A Beginner’s Guide To Spirituality
Where better to start, then, than a beginner’s guide detailing what spirituality means and what spirituality looks like in practice.
Because spirituality is at the heart of everything we do here at Psychic Sofa, we felt it was time to create a series of blog posts dedicated to this very topic. Diving into everything from spiritual practice and tools, such as Tarot Cards, Angel Cards and crystals, through to exploring how you can use psychic intuition to help others, this series will assist anyone looking to strengthen their own spiritual guidance and ensure that they find the path to enlightenment. Where better to start, then, than a beginner’s guide detailing what spirituality means and what spirituality looks like in practice. Our telephone psychic readers sure hope you find this collection useful, and should you like to speak to one of them yourselves, you can reach them on 09057897752 (calls cost 80p per minute plus your network access charge) or on 01618640152. May the spirits and angels protect you always.

What Is Spirituality? The Path To Happiness, A Healthy Mindset & Spiritual Development
Spirituality has many definitions, but in general terms, it’s the process of connecting with a higher level of existence or consciousness - which could include nature, the universe or the Divine. Spirituality provides the worldview that there is more to life than just what people experience in the physical world, and that there is greater understanding to be sought beyond it. By providing comfort to those in need of support, as well as helping us to better manage our lives through a careful change in mindset, spiritual guidance can heighten our appreciation of the world and all those that inhabit it.
Spirituality can be a very personal experience, and everyone’s spiritual path may be different. Various reasons why you may seek out spiritual guidance include:
To find your life’s purpose and meaning.
To cope with feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety.
To restore hope and optimism, as well as achieve a more positive outlook on life.
To feel more connected to the universe and in tune with the world.
Spiritual practice is therefore important because the further we distance ourselves from reality and the Divine, the more we lose touch with what’s key in life. By aligning ourselves with the greater good, spiritual practice becomes the act of communicating with a higher power who can guide with wisdom and understanding. In doing so, we can find inner peace and happiness, without sweating the small stuff. And when times are tough, we can seek solace in the fact that there are those out there who care for us, both in this world and beyond it.

Spirituality & Practice - How To Make The Most Of Your Spiritual Experience
There are lots of fantastic ways to practice spirituality in your daily life and to get in touch with your soul. What follows are are some of the most popular methods to interact with your spirit and keep your life in balance:
Meditation is a useful way to both consciously and unconsciously attune with your spiritual self, and find inner peace. By sitting or standing in a comfortable position and focusing purely on your breath, your mind can remove itself from the troubles and struggles that you’re experiencing in the physical world and take you to a higher plane of consciousness and relaxation. It’s here that you can find clarity on what to do next and deal appropriately with issues that are holding you back. That way, when you return to the here and now, you can start putting plans in place to make your life a happier one. Meditation can also help to release any stress you may have, and it can help you realise that dealing with situations in a more positive manner will ultimately lead to better outcomes.
For further spiritual guidance on meditation, we here at Psychic Sofa recommend Mindful’s blog on the topic, which can be found here.

Manifestation For Spiritual Gain
We all have dreams, hopes and desires that we want to come true, and through manifestation, determination and willpower, we can try our best to make it so. Many of our psychic readers believe that if you visualise a specific experience or outcome that you’d like to achieve, and you trust that it will come to fruition, then this spiritual practice will make it so. The idea behind manifesting is that your desire doesn’t yet exist in a physical form, currently making it spiritual. Manifestation can bring forth the spiritual energies required to make hopes a reality. Trusting in the universe and believing that what you manifest will come to you, if indeed it is best for you, is key. And if it doesn’t come about how you expected, it’s likely that the angels above have something even better in store for you and it’s only a matter of time until you find out what this is.
Chakras & Spiritual Healing
Our chakras are the seven main energy centres of the body, keeping us in balance and open to new possibilities that come our way. When the chakras are open, energy easily flows through the body and brings the spirit, mind, and body into alignment. When they are blocked, this can stop us moving forward in life and achieving all that we hold dear. We’ve written a great blog all about unblocking your chakras and how this can benefit every individual. It’s well worth a read! What follows are the basics of the chakras, as well as what they symbolise:
The root chakra is red, is found at the bottom of the spine, and it focuses on stability and security.
The sacral chakra is orange, is located in the lower abdomen, and it symbolises happiness and creativity.
The solar plexus chakra is yellow, is found in the upper abdomen, and represents confidence and self-esteem.
The heart chakra is green, is located in the centre of the chest, and it focuses on love and empathy.
The throat chakra is light blue, is found in the throat, and it’s all about communication and understanding.
The third eye chakra is dark blue, is located on the forehead, and it focuses on enlightenment and higher levels of consciousness for spiritual gain.
The crown chakra is purple, is found at the top of the head, and it connects our physical and spiritual selves for unity and a greater sense of self.

Crystals & Birthstone Jewellery
Our psychic readers can’t get enough of crystals and gemstones for their strengthening and healing powers. That is why they are used regularly within telephone psychic readings, which include Tarot Card readings, Angel Card readings and clairvoyant readings. Crystals encompass and release positive energy when placed on certain body parts, are held or worn in some form, and help to magnify the intentions set. For example, rose quartz is a powerful stone for attracting love and maintaining relationships, whereas jasper can help to boost confidence in one’s own abilities and unleash creativity that was there all along. If you’d like to know more about the birthstones for your birthday, this year we’ve been working on a birthstone campaign that discusses just that, and you can find the blogs up until September here:
The rest are on their way!
We here at Psychic Sofa hope this introduction into spirituality has been a helpful resource, and that you continue reading for more insight and support. We only have one life to live, and with spiritual practice, you can make it a happier one. From love and career advice through to finding spirituality during the full moon, we write about everything here, so that you’re equipped with the knowledge you need to live a fulfilling life. And should any further questions be had, or you'd like to talk through your current life state, then we encourage you to have a telephone psychic reading today with one of our trusted psychic readers. Available 24/7 and always putting your best interests first, they’ll provide you with insight that can truly impact your life. For more information, please call us today on 09057897752 (calls cost 80p per minute plus your network access charge) or on 01618640152.
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