Love Articles
11 Ways to heal Love Betrayal
It's the subject of a million pop songs about heartbreak: infidelity. The ultimate betrayal. If your partner has been unfaithful it can seem as if you'll never be happy again. But believe it or not, you will eventually heal. ...
Be a Love Magnet!
If you're longing to be in love, it can seem as if everyone in the world is loved-up, except you! You might wonder what you're doing wrong. Why can't you find love? The answer is usually very simple. ...
8 Love Secrets
The hearts and flowers of Valentine's Day add spice to this time of year. But once the day of romance is over, don't think you can stop making an effort! Your relationship needs nurturing all year round. ...
10 Ways to tell if your date is your Soulmate!
Take some of the stain out of dating with our guide to spotting a soulmate connection on the very first date. So you can avoid those dating disasters and instead make a beeline for your happy ever after! ...
Unhappy Being Single? 5 Possible Reasons
Always being home alone, whilst your friends are having fun with their "other half", can make you wonder if you will ever attract love and romance into your life. ...
The Different Types Of Love
There are many different types of love that make the world go round. The feeling of being in love is a special experience, but other forms of love are equally distinctive and exceptional. ...
5 Steps To Enjoying The Best Valentine's Day Ever
Whether you're already happily loved up, content being single, or searching for your true love, 14 February is the one day in the year when love becomes the primary focus. ...
8 Simple Ways To A Spiritual New Year!
While it's easy to make the same old new year resolutions every January, it's even easier to forget all about your good intentions by February! Instead of pledging to exercise more and drink less, try adding a sprinkling of spirituality to your life! ...
Star Lover
With the glitz and glamour of the festive party season approaching, your thoughts are probably turning to love and romance. This most magical time of year is the ideal season to find a new love, or to cosy up with a long-term partner. ...
21 Affirmations to improve your life
Imagine improving almost every aspect of your life just by saying a simple phrase. Well, the good news is you can do just that by using positive affirmations. ...
10 Ways to have a Great First Date
First dates are the first step on your journey to lasting love. But all too often they end in disappointment, embarrassment or hurt feelings. Take a new approach to meeting your future soul mate by adding a touch of spiritual thinking. ...
6 Signs You Have a True Friend
Not everyone you meet is destined to play an important role in your life. Some connections are season and reason related. Occasionally though, you may cross paths with someone who is loyal and loving, and in your life for the duration. ...