
Clairvoyant Psychic Medium

Reader profile image for Angie

About Angie

Angie is a stunning Clairvoyant, she picks up on what is going on in your life through channelling into your voice vibrations and tells you in detail your current situation. Angie is intelligent, fresh and very articulate. Angie has a reputation for giving amazing readings as she is able to connect with everyone she speaks to. Angie specialises in relationships and career.

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

My main aim is to ensure that when the client has ended the call that they go away feeling much better about their situation as in most cases a client will ring as they have a problem/situation that they need answers to. Whilst I may not always be able to give them all the answers I will endeavour to make sure that they at least feel a weight lifted off of their mind and able to cope. My main gift is picking up on voice vibrations and a simple "hello" can guide me to how a person is feeling. I get job satisfaction knowing that I have helped someone.

How are you typical of your star sign?

I am a very typical Cancerian, very homely, warm and sensitive, and due to this people are drawn to me. I am very intuitive, loyal and protective over family and friends. I am 'the oceans of emotions' sign. As a water sign I absolutely love to be near the sea and could sit for hours and hours watching the waves. Also as a typical Cancerian I am able to identify with the situations of others.

When did you first become aware of your gift?

I have been aware of my gift since the age of 18 but ignored it until my early 30's when it appeared to become even stronger. My spirit guide is my grandmother who was also psychic and when I feel the need I go to her graveside for my guidance. The messages I am given by her are spoken to me in my left ear and when they are personally for me they are in my right ear. She appears to have no concept of time however and tries to talk to me in the middle of the night! I feel that I am very blessed.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

My most memorable experience was a friend who rang me and was talking about an ex partner that she still had feelings for. She hadn’t heard from him for several months and I was chatting to her over the phone and was being told by spirit that this man would be in touch that day and it would be very soon, and also he would wish to come and visit her to talk. When I told her this she really doubted it and her reaction was "I hope not I have not washed my hair". Well she should have listened as two hours later she rang to say he had done just that and was on his way round still not leaving time for her to wash her hair!!

Needless to say, she always tends to listen now!

Angie's Availability

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What our customers say about Angie

Dear Angie, I got the job like you said I would! There were so many predictions that you made that all came to pass and I'm sorry for the last testimonial. You've given me so much guidance over the past 2 years and I always run to you when I need reassurance. Thanks again and I will speak to you soon!

- Jacqueline

15th August 2014

Angie, I have had numerous readings with you and we have a strong bond with one another other. In your readings you said you saw a man that has receding hair on the front and has a bit of grey in it, and he is someone from the past. I said yes I know who it is and said it was David. I looked at a recent photo he took in March 2014 and could not see any receding hair on this photo. I thought you got this completely wrong. In my readings you said in May around the time I will see this man you said I will see a rainbow and another time with my reading with you in June, you also felt that I will be buying school uniforms near the time I will meet this man with receding hair. Me being adamant it was David, how wrong I was and right you were, this man is not David and it is someone else from my past who is receding in the front, his name is Nikos. I had seen the rainbow yesterday (Monday 11 August 2014) and will be buying school uniforms this week and will be seeing Nikos next Saturday 23 August 2014. Again, Angie, you were so right and I was so wrong and thought it was David. I know on a few occasions you said I was going to see David on the timings you gave me and I did but you were seeing someone with receding hair for the future and he is just coming to light now. Angie, you are super you are my friend for life. God bless you and your grandmother, your spirit guide. Love and Light, M xx

- Maria

12th August 2014

Thank you so much, Angie!! I logged back on to talk to you again, but you weren't online.. I had a great reading.. I'm still panicked a little bit. Especially being I have long slow process ahead. I will be back in touch asap. I thought of a MILLION AND ONE questions after we got off the phone! Lol.. Her prediction is minor, but also major for me. Not until Sept.. So all I could do is wait and see.. Thanks And let me just say, I don't know what forces led me to her. I just looked at her picture and said I'm calling her. And then once I read all the great feedback, i was glad I found you..

- n/a

9th August 2014

We got cut off today - end of reading - I just wanted to say thank you Angie for your reading, it was very accurate - Jo

- joanne

2nd August 2014

Dear Angie, Happy Birthday. With Love from the cold house. X

- N/A

11th July 2014

Angie I had a lovely reading with you two weeks ago and you really helped settle my mind about things going on in my life. You also told me to expect a visit from a friend I was hoping to see. I really didn't think it would happen due to circumstances but you were spot on. I saw my friend on the date u said! Thank you so much. Angie is the real deal, will give u great comfort and her predictions come true on time :-)

- N/A

8th May 2014

I had a reading with Angie a week ago and she said i would see my love interest despite it being 5 weeks not seeing each other. She told me we would get together on this recent bank holiday. I didn't believe it but sure enough the meeting took place! Other psychics said it would be months before we saw each other but Angie was adamant. I look forward to her other predictions coming true now. Thank you so much, Angie xx you have a wonderful gift xx

- N/A

6th May 2014

Thanks, Angie, I had a fantastic reading very accurate with no fishing for information, lovely reader, highly recommended. x

- steve

1st May 2014

Thank you Angie, 25.04.14, phone went, wasn't being rude. Always lovely to speak to you. with love from the cold house X

- Sarah

25th April 2014

I have had numerous readings with Angie with regards to work and relationships. Some of her predictions happened last year, which I sent a testimonial for and happened the way she predicted it. I also want to leave another one as her latest prediction, she said I was going to be seeing this person again and I would be walking down a corridor and there is a coffee shop and he would be there but we would not talk on this occasion, she also said this is not far away this is soon and said in a few days or few weeks and it would be early in the morning and it was going to be a Tuesday. I could not understand where this would be taking place as where I have seen this person before certainly didn't have a coffee shop down a corridor. Blow me, I came into work one morning rushing as I was a bit late and I was walking down the corridor to get to the office and have to pass through the coffee shop to get to where I work and he was in the coffee shop lining up to get a coffee. I didn't talk to him at this time and this happened at 10.15 in the morning on Tuesday 25 March 2014. Angie your grandmother is your true guide. You are my angel, Love and Light, M

- Maria

28th March 2014

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