
psychic meduimship clairvoyant Angel cards

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About Caleb

I started knowing I was different very early on in my life. I always knew I had a spirit guide and I could see him as a knight in armour and horse in toe some times. I discovered my gift through meditations and development circles you years later and also family members that were also teaching me things when I was getting older. I feel as it was important to develop this gift in my life to help control my emotions and to help people and animals and anyone who needs help. It's funny how people in the family used to say we know you as I psychic but we couldn't help you till you were ready to learn. I always felt things before they happened I always seen things happen before they happened dejar vu was an everyday occurrence. So in 2001 I started doing private readings at a local spiritual centre in the Nuneaton and also we had to relocate so we built ourselves a new church out of a converted factory which took three months to build up. And I did platform mediumship and trance circles. This journey also took me to other spiritual places such as Stonehenge. I'm a big believer in study and reading and learning I have a bit of a wicca background and and studied Kabbalah. I did have a break from working full-time as a medium for some six years . I also struggled with learning so much when I was a child being dyslexic twice the work. But one thing life has taught me is you learn more out of school then you ever do in school. When are left school I had no self-confidence I was picked on a lot. I never thought I would amount too much. But how wrong could I be I had to do a amtra course for work which took a year of my life and I thought I'd never pass such a strict exam but I did with flying colours. The remarked upon how good I was with the anatomy side of it. When I told them that I've been a reiki healer they said no wonder you're good with anatomy. Found out the examiner was also a spiritual healer. So a lesson in life is never think you can't do something all you need is time to understand it better and it will sink in eventually

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

I like to see people happy and any issues that holds somebody back to be resolved. I understand how hard issues are to get over but given somebody confidence to fight these battles themselves and help them give them their own self empowerment and self-belief self-control discover themselves. I have always looked at a reading as a healing session. And sometimes just helping people push themselves to carry on in what ever problems they come with it's very rewarding and over the years I've seen people flourish in all walks of life.

How would you say you are typical of your star sign?

My ability to absorb every lesson in life and emotions and feelings and history gives me the knowledge that I need to guide others as part of my star sign strong intuition strong spirituality and empathy and I have a compassion to help others. Life lessons of taught me that as a Piscean being grounded is so important to bring the spiritual side and creativity into the physical realm of life. As a Pisces Neptune features a big part of our star sign and as Neptune is the ruler of the oceans and mystical energies which I believe makes  Pisceans as some of the most powerful people in subtle and gentle ways. And also has a certain sense of destruction of it. Can I have very strong clear dreams and visions because of my star sign and life has taught me that you must keep your channel clear eat healthily drink healthily. To feel too much emotions can drag us all down but life lessons have taught me how to ground my emotions. In the past in my work I've shed many a tear for people but also brought much laughter and happiness and people have been cancelled by my energy as a psychic medium

When do you remember being first aware of your gift?

 I was eight when I became aware of energies that surrounded me.  Also as a child I used to see the faces in the clouds and in the trees watching over me. I also remember walking past a local pub to me and the landlord came out and had a conversation with me in a rush and he was talking gibberish and conversations which didn't make sense. I walked  the dog a bit further up the road when I just said to another dog walker. I've just seen the landlord of the pub it weren't making much sense do you think he's okay. The reply I got from the person was the landlord died today's ago. Safe to say I was a little bemused but kept my composure and carried on walking home for another strong cup of tea.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

I have had many readings over the years that have been truly remarkable and my professional attitude is to never repeat a reading to anyone afterwards. After all I have given readings to all walks of life...... But I'll tell you the story of a lady who rang me up who's golden retriever had gone missing and I told her to look in a road round the back of their house to turn right at the end and would find the dog in a garage told her go now feel as if you need to go now. And she foamed me back 15 minutes ish later she'd said that should found the dog trapped in a garage surrounded by people safe to say she managed to rescue her dog and get him back. Also I remember having a conversation with a lovely lady who had lost her favourite blouse that belong to her sister in the wardrobe and asked me if I knew where it was and a set of earrings that match that blouse again belong to a sister and I simply said to her it's not in your house didn't you send it the cleaners and with that she put the phone down call me back in 10 minutes later she forgot that she sent it to the cleaners. 

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?

I was lucky enough to complete a mystery of mediumship course with Isatreya and also lucky enough to complete my reiki and Seichem healing training in the same year 2006. I also attended courses that helped me to work with vulnerable people children and adults. And I ran a spiritualist centre in Nuneaton for many years and put courses on myself.attended courses that were going on put on by other visiting people. From trance to wicker studies to Kabbalah angel workshops psychic development workshops. As a key holder I have to be there and join in through all these courses for many years.

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

Things that are important when having a psychic reading I find clients best if they have sat down and quietly relaxed for 10 minutes perhaps with a cup of tea before they make the call for their reading. I also say ring when you need guidance and carefully listen sometimes things are said in readings that can never be taken on board at that moment in time. But the amount of times people have told me six weeks later or more" you know that thing you've said". It came true or somebody told me a story that I never knew and now it fits in. But but it's important for you to take on board and use your own self empowerment to move your life on.

Caleb's Availability

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What our customers say about Caleb

If you get a hold of him it’s your lucky day! He’s amazing, touched on all things clearly. His prediction in a previous reading was spot on. He picked up on my energy very well and just an absolute angel. It’s going to be hard for me to read with other readers after him. He’s now my go to and I’m wishing him nothing but love and happiness! Thank you Caleb!!!

- Tamera

8th February 2025

Thankyou Caleb for your guidance and advice I will look forward to changes in the coming months Thankyou 🕊🦋

- Jane

22nd January 2025

Caleb 4431 Thankyou so much you were very helpful and caring Jane 🦋

- Jane

17th January 2025

I had a reading this afternoon with Caleb when I was very low he is the best Medium I have ever had a reading with not only with evidence but poi and my father came in I cannot say how good this man is and deserves more reviews. Take a chance with him you won't regret it. Thank you so much Caleb I look forward to all you have predicted and thank you for uplifting me.

- Anon

11th January 2025

Brilliant reader. Information just flows. I’ll be back for another reading for sure.

- Cheri

10th January 2025

I had a reading with Caleb today he was amazing. His evidence was outstanding and no other Medium has ever given me so much in depth evidence as he did. I am no waiting for his predictions which will hopefully happen in the Spring of next year which I'm sure they will.

- Gloria

7th December 2024

The level of detail in Caleb's readings are amazing. I've had 2 readings with him in the last few weeks and in that time he helped me to finally close the door on my now ex and the person who he described that I would end up marrying has now entered my life and the description he gave me of him was spookily accurate. Caleb helped me close a very stressful and confusing chapter in my life and gave me hope for my future. His prediction seemed too good to be true at the time but it has now started unfolding like he said it would x

- Anon

22nd October 2024

Reflecting on a reading 3 months ago. All I had to say was the areas I wanted to focus on and he was off. Gave so much detail about what the next 3-6 months will be like. Explained why I was reacting to my work environment the way I was. Said I would change job at the end of the year which is currently happening. Brought my maternal grandfather through. And assessed a potential POI so well he made me laugh a lot. So much detail that helped me see why this wasn't a good option for me. Definitely worth a reading. Thanks Caleb. AC

- Anon

21st October 2024

Caleb is an amazing reader. Information is flowing. Give him a call! Many thanks again for the fab reading! M

- M

2nd September 2024

Very good reader picked up ongoing situation 100 % without me giving a word

- Anon

28th August 2024

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