Charlie King

Natural Psychic, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Tarot Cards, Angel Cards, Crystals, Life Coaching, Counsellor, Healer

Reader profile image for Charlie King

About Charlie King

Hello! I'm Charlie, your gateway to the unseen world. With my unique blend of psychic abilities, I offer you a journey into the extraordinary. Here's what I bring to the table: • Clairvoyance: I can see beyond the physical realm, capturing images and visions from Spirit. • Clairaudience: I hear the subtle whispers and messages from Spirit. • Clairsentience: I feel and interpret the energies of Spirit, offering deep emotional insights. • Claircognition: I receive profound thoughts and knowledge directly from Spirit. • Clairomatics: I even sense Spirit through distinct smells, adding another layer to my readings. As a highly sensitive empath, I truly understand the nuances of your experiences and always approach our sessions with the utmost care and respect for your feelings. For over 20 years, I’ve been honoured to provide guidance and clarity to countless satisfied clients from all corners of the globe. My readings are enriched with a variety of divination tools such as Tarot cards, Oracle decks, Runes, and Crystals. I also harness the gentle yet powerful energies of Angels to enhance our connection and deliver profound insights. Join me, and let's explore the mysteries of your life together. Whether you're seeking advice, clarity, or just a glimpse into the future, I'm here to help you navigate your path with confidence and grace.

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my work is helping you navigate life's challenges and uncovering the lessons behind them. Readings are a powerful tool for gaining clarity, feeling empowered, and becoming more resilient. When we start our session, I always begin by asking how you are. This isn't just a formality—it's because I genuinely care about your well-being! My goal is to ensure that you leave our reading feeling stronger, more empowered, and ready to face whatever comes your way. I also have a deep passion for crystals. I love sharing my knowledge and helping you find the perfect stone to overcome any obstacles you're facing. Together, we can find the right crystal to enhance your journey and support your growth.

How would you say you are typical of your star sign?

What a fantastic question! While I may not fit the mould of a typical Leo at first glance, my astrological chart tells a more nuanced story. Yes, my Sun sign is in Leo, which means I do have a fiery and passionate side. However, my Moon sign is in Libra, giving me a natural inclination toward balance and harmony in everything I do. Additionally, my Ascendant is in Virgo, grounding me with a practical and detail-oriented energy. So, while I might not be your classic Leo, the blend of Leo's fire, Libra's balance, and Virgo's grounding energy makes me a unique and well-rounded individual. This diverse astrological makeup allows me to connect with a wide range of energies and perspectives, enhancing my ability to provide insightful and balanced readings.

When do you remember being first aware of your gift?

I've always felt that there was something more to life, even from a very young age. One of my earliest memories that made me aware of my gift happened when I was a child visiting my grandmother in the countryside. Her mother, my great-grandmother, had recently passed away. We were sitting on a bench as my grandmother reminisced about how her mother loved nature and how they used to watch wildlife together. As we sat there, a fawn emerged from the woods, calmly approached us, grazed nearby, and then looked at us before walking away. The moment was so serene and magical that I felt a deep connection to something greater. It was then that I first sensed there was more to this life. Years later, when I was 16, I experienced another profound moment. I came home late one night and went to bed after reading a bit. I dreamt that my sister came in and told me that our nan's dog had died—a dog I adored. The next morning, my sister indeed came in to share the sad news. I realised that I had dreamt it before it happened. Since then, I've had regular premonitions, and that was the true beginning of my journey as a psychic. These early experiences opened my eyes to the extraordinary and set me on a path to help others navigate their own spiritual journeys.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

I've had countless incredible experiences with clients, and choosing just one is like picking your favourite child! The moments that truly stand out are when clients reach out to share how their lives have transformed after our sessions. Knowing that the messages from Spirit have guided them toward a better path is deeply rewarding and why I do what I do—to help everyone live their best life. If I had to highlight one memorable client, it would be someone who has become a dear friend over the past 15 years. When she first came to me, her life was in turmoil. I was doing face-to-face readings then, and during our session, she had numerous lightbulb moments. A few months later, she called to book another reading, updating me on the positive changes in her life. She had shifted her outlook and was living a happier, more fulfilled life. While I provided the guidance, she did the hard work of turning her life around. We still keep in touch, and she often sends me photos of her family and updates on her journey. These ongoing connections and seeing the positive impact of our work together are what I cherish the most!

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?

In addition to my deep and extensive study of tarot, which I've also had the joy of teaching, my life experiences have profoundly shaped my ability to help others. I've always felt a strong calling to support people through their darkest hours and celebrate with them during their brightest moments. Life hasn't always been easy for me—I've faced challenges that I wouldn't wish on anyone. However, these experiences have made me stronger and given me a unique perspective that enhances my understanding of various situations. As a natural empath, I can sense your energy and identify areas that need attention or change to help you live your best life. My combination of tarot expertise, life experiences, and empathic abilities allows me to provide insightful, compassionate, and practical guidance.

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

Let your heart be your guide, not your head. Trust that gut feeling—it knows what's best for you. If you're drawn to a particular reader, it's likely that they have a message meant for you. On the other hand, if someone recommends a reader and you don't feel a connection, trust your instincts and look elsewhere. The key is to approach your reading with an open mind and an open heart. Remember, we psychics are here to help you, and we genuinely want the best for you. If you're feeling hurt or struggling to be open, let us help heal and support you on your journey to a stronger, happier life. Trust the process and be open to the possibilities!


Charlie King's Availability

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What our customers say about Charlie King

Charlie, you're an absolute delight to speak with. A genuinely beautiful soul and sound guy. Your connection is beautiful ~ pure, genuine and very strong. I felt very at ease talking to you, as though I was chatting to good friend. Our session really helped and I always love it when a specific "keyword" pops up to show me just how strong the connection is lol Jah bless you, thank you xxxxx 🙏🏼💕☀️🌻👑✨🎶

- G

11th August 2024

Wow!!!!! Outstranding, the best reading i have ever had, Ever!!! I cant even put into word how amazing Charlie is! goodness, very special gifted on such a high level, he is in my view, the 1% of the best of the best, i have had many readings, i too am a reader, Charlie is just on a level most dont get near. i knew he would be brilliant, but wow, wow, thats was pure psychic ability at its best!!!! we and sofa are so lucky to have a chance to have a reading with Charlie, he will always be busy the min he logs on, well, keep trying, well worth the wait to get him, i certanly will be back again, i am very grateful all the help he gave me, and it was just so lovely, wasnt long enough, could have spoke to him for a very very long time, made me feel so calm happy and very grateful i was able to get get threw as when i saw his profile i so wanted to have a reading, so well worth trying until you get him, then, you will know what i mean, he is so beautiful kind and will answer any questions instantly accurately, the whole reading had validations from start to finish, thank you so much Charlie, best of the best, lots and lots of love and hugs, speck to you again soon, love julie :-) xxxxx

- julie

10th August 2024

Charlie is the best....truly gifted, gives clarity and guidance with compassion and empathy. He is really understanding of your circumstances and helps you navigate out of dark times so you can have hope of better times to come! Charlie you're a star...appreciate you xx

- I

10th August 2024

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