Cleansing Articles
How to Have a Spiritual Retreat at Home
Creating a spiritual retreat at home offers a wonderful way to step back from the busyness of life and reconnect with yourself. ...
12 Magical Flowers To Transform Your Home
You can see fields and gardens full of flowers in full bloom and glowing with bright colour, at this time of year. The delicate petals attached to each slender stem flutter with an array of dazzling shades from bold red, soft pink, soothing white and more ...
7 Ways To Boost your Bliss Factor
If the sun is shining outside but you feel like more like hibernating than getting out and about to socialise, then you need a spiritual lift. ...
7 Ways to a Spiritual Spring
You can use the inspiration and power of this fresh-start season to clean and clear out areas of your life, making room for new energy to propel you forward to greater successes. ...
9 Ways to Judgement Detox
Judging others can often be a way of coping with our own insecurities - Learn to let go of toxic thought processes. ...
New Year, New You
For many people the New Year offers an opportunity to finally make those long overdue lifestyle changes that have hindered progress, happiness and contentment. ...
Break Your Psychic Ties!
Still infatuated with your ex? Or perhaps you still feel angry with a friend years after they wronged you? It's time to cut those psychic cords! ...
7 Ways to Fight your Phobias
Do you run screaming from a tiny spider? Or perhaps you're too afraid to get on an airplane? You have a phobia! A phobia is an irrational, overwhelming and debilitating fear of something. ...
9 Ways to Roll with the Changes
Change is the only constant in life. It will happen. From redundancies at work to relationships ending to children leaving home. Change is inevitable. ...
5 Ways to Celebrate the Summer Solstice
The Summer Solstice is a magical day. It's a time when the power of the Sun is at its most potent, brimming with fiery energy. Best of all, you can tap into this revitalizing energy. ...
14 Signs You Are A Natural Healer
Being a healer is one of the most important callings in life because you are helping others in a direct and impactful way. If you think you might be a natural healer, you should try to develop your gift by using it whenever you can. ...
Unproductive Habits You Need To Quit
These negative habits usually impact on your efficiency, productivity and ability to move forward in life. Because these habits also keep you in your comfort zone, it can sometimes be difficult to identify the cause of your problems. ...