Emotions Articles

Top 10 Celebrities Who Use Psychics

Psychic readings have always been a topic of fascination and intrigue, not just among the general public, but also among celebrities ...

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7 Ways To Boost your Bliss Factor

If the sun is shining outside but you feel like more like hibernating than getting out and about to socialise, then you need a spiritual lift. ...

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5 Dangerous Emotions You Need To Control

Emotions play a huge role in how you feel, what you think, and in your overall perception of situations and circumstances. When your emotions are positively high, you feel on top of the world and capable of doing anything. ...

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10 Signs of Gaslighting or Emotional Abuse

Does your relationship feel like a constant battle? Is your partner always putting you down? Perhaps you are beginning to see your partner's critical behaviour as your new normal? If so, you could be a victim of gaslighting. ...

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11 Ways to be Kind

Think about how good it feels to receive a compliment, a courtesy, or a favour. Then imagine how easy it is for you to spread that feeling to others. ...

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8 Love Secrets

The hearts and flowers of Valentine's Day add spice to this time of year. But once the day of romance is over, don't think you can stop making an effort! Your relationship needs nurturing all year round. ...

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5 Steps To Enjoying The Best Valentine's Day Ever

Whether you're already happily loved up, content being single, or searching for your true love, 14 February is the one day in the year when love becomes the primary focus. ...

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11 Signs of a Sociopath

Nothing if not attentive, a sociopath will make you feel as if you're the only person who matters to them. You'll be the centre of their universe - at least for awhile. They might phone you, or Facebook you constantly. ...

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Are You Limiting Your Happiness?

Thoughts are powerful things that can have a positive or negative impact on the quality of your life. If you fall into the habit of thinking pessimistically about everything, you simply attract more of the same into your reality. ...

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Break Your Psychic Ties!

Still infatuated with your ex? Or perhaps you still feel angry with a friend years after they wronged you? It's time to cut those psychic cords! ...

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10 Ways to have a Great First Date

First dates are the first step on your journey to lasting love. But all too often they end in disappointment, embarrassment or hurt feelings. Take a new approach to meeting your future soul mate by adding a touch of spiritual thinking. ...

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10 Gut Instincts To Never Ignore

Ever get a fluttering in your stomach when you're nervous? Or have you had a sinking feeling in your gut when you know things have gone wrong? Here are the top ten instances when you should never ignore your gut feeling. ...

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