Symbolism Articles
Discover Your Healing Colour
How colour therapy can help you heal. Find out about the meanings of colours and how they can help you. ...
Find Your Power Animal
According to Shamanic tradition, everyone has a power animal. A protector and guide, this animal symbolises your character strengths and points to the qualities you need to develop. ...
Animal Magic
A look back in time on the worship of animals, and their relevance in our lives today. ...
Are you superstitious?
A look at superstitions and why we believe in them. ...
Escape the Emotional Vampires!
A look into the behaviour of those around you and the effects of negative people! Is someone draining your energies? ...
Have you seen a ghost?
What does it mean when we see a ghost? Some interesting information about the unknown. ...
Why do we kiss underneath the Mistletoe?
Some interesting facts and information for the festive season ...
What do numbers mean?
Some information on the study of numbers that may intrigue you! ...
Symbols and their meanings
Some information about how to read and interpret symbols ...