Predictions For Life After Lockdown
Whether you plan to take advantage of opportunities that arise after lockdown with both hands, or if you’re staying a little more cautious, the world has changed dramatically.

With the light at the end of the tunnel getting bigger and brighter every day, we can only hope that life will get back to normal as soon as it is safe to. However, we all know that “back to normal” might well look very different from what we would have considered normal before the COVID-19 lockdown. Whether you plan to take advantage of opportunities that arise after lockdown with both hands, or if you’re staying a little more cautious, the world has changed dramatically, and there are a few changes that at Psychic Sofa, we can see lasting a long time into the future.
So without further ado, here are some of our predictions for life after lockdown!
We’ll Value our Time with Friends and Family More.
With many of us unable to see friends and family for several months now, we’re certain that the importance of seeing each other face-to-face will be renewed once we can safely spend time together again! Isolation and loneliness are very common when we can’t see our parents, children, aunties and uncles, nieces and nephews, friends, grandkids, neighbours and partners, and lots of our psychic readers have had calls from those of you looking for guidance and comfort during this difficult time.
Despite being unable to see each other the way we used to, people all over the world have been coming up with some pretty ingenious ways to stay in touch - from video chats to contact free hugs to socially distant picnics, we can really see the different ways that people have put their brains together to help stay connected. However, we all know that there’s no substitute for the real thing, so when we can finally see one another again safely, it will certainly be something to cherish, and not something we’ll ever take for granted.
Travel won’t be Taken for Granted.
It might still be a long way off, but national and international travel will never be so appreciated as in life after lockdown! The opportunity to see some of the world’s greatest landmarks, cities and experience new cultures has been lost for most of us this year. However, when we can travel again, it’s certain that we’ll all be taking advantage. In fact, some countries are even offering to help cover the costs of your trip away to improve tourism in the area, so if you’re feeling a bit of wanderlust, it might be worth checking out when you can take your next trip.
It’s not just overseas though. There are so many beautiful places at home on the Great British shores that you might not even want to travel internationally!
The More you can Work From Home, the Better.
With so many of us now working from home successfully, it looks like the way we work might well have been forever changed. Working from home has proven to be successful, and lots of companies - including tech giants like Twitter - have said that working from home will be not just an option, but the norm for many of their staff moving forward.
Working from home means less commuting, which means less pollution and time away from home. It means more development of new technology to help us work effectively outside of the office. It means smaller offices, flexible working practices and work/life balance have all come under the spotlight as well. Only time will tell what the real changes will be, but we can say with a fair bit of certainty that a lot more of us will be working from home, even after lockdown is lifted.
The team at Psychic Sofa hope you are all staying safe and well, and while we can see the sun beginning to rise, the night is not over yet. If you need guidance, reassurance or just a friendly voice on the other end of the phone, don’t hesitate to have a telephone psychic reading with one of our psychic readers on 09057897752 (calls cost 80p per minute plus your network access charge) or on 01618640152 today.
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