Capricorn Horoscope

Daily Horoscope

4 March 2025

As much as having the Moon in a playful and creative part of your chart at this time of the week might sound like a case of bad timing, even before it connects with the South Node in an adventurous part of your chart tomorrow, the timing couldn't be better. That includes both personally and professionally. A powering up of the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence now is nothing compared to what next week's total lunar eclipse will do, while two days before the Moon joins lucky Jupiter in your work sector, even the professional gods are calling for a wait and see approach.

Weekly Horoscope

Week beginning 3 March 2025

While Mercury, the planet of communication will leave your communication sector on Monday like Venus, the planet of love who left four weeks ago, they will both be back by the end of the month. Venus turned retrograde over the weekend and is already on her way back while Mercury will turn retrograde later next week and do the same. While the planets of love and communication won't return until later in the month, there are more than enough planets still working to keep the communication lines open. After Mars turned direct in your relationship sector last week, it is your relationships that will continue to benefit from this. Instead, Venus and Mercury will spend the majority of the month in your home and family sector and as by the end of next week both will be in retrograde motion, with the doors open to the past. This is the start of some special weeks for home, family and/or property matters, but also for a chance to get back to basics.

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