Uncategorised Articles
Soul Mates
14 different signs you've found your soul mate! ...
12 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Christmas
Here are 12 things most people don't know about Christmas dating back to our ancestors. ...
Weird and wonderful Alternative Therapies
If you're searching for a feel-good solution to give your mind and body a boost, then trying an alternative therapy might be the answer. ...
Boost Your Energy during the colder months
As temperatures plunge, your energy levels can dip and it's tempting to want to hibernate at home. But the less active you are - both mentally and physically - the more your energy will deplete. ...
The Law of Attraction
What if achieving your dreams is as simple as making a wish? Well, success and happiness are easily within your grasp, according to the bestselling self help book, The Secret. Its author, Rhonda Byrne, wrote that a spiritual law - called the Law of Attrac ...
Day of the Dead - Halloween
Darkness lingers as the nights grow longer and the season shifts towards winter. At this shadowy, spooky time of year, thoughts turn to the ghosts and ghouls associated with Halloween, which is on October 31. ...
What Ayurvedic Body Type Are You?
Known as our mind-body types, Ayurvedic doshas represent particular elements and patterns of energy found within our spirit – what Ayurvedic dosha are you? ...
Can Repressed Emotions Cause Physical Harm?
Repressed emotions and memories can cause more damage than we might be aware of. Repressed emotions can manifest as physical ailments. How can we treat it? ...
The 4 Step Guide To Revealing Your Soul Purpose
How can we reveal our soul purpose? With this 4 step guide we look at how to reveal your soul purpose and follow the path you're meant to lead. ...
The Beginners Guide to Tapping Away Your Problems With EFT
Learn about Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and how this powerful self-help tool can help you overcome any problem of mind, body and spirit. ...
10 Doomsday Prophecies That Failed to Transpire
Religious leaders, UFO enthusiasts and even a hen have predicted Doomsday since the dawn of time. Here's a look at some of the best Doomsday failures. ...