Lady Tara
Tarot, Pendulum, Clairsentient & Clairaudient

Reader Methods
About Lady Tara
Introduced to the cards more than 30 years ago and continually told by other psychics I had the ‘gift’, I didn’t act on this until much later in life. I started reading for family and friends then felt I should use my gift to give something back and make a positive difference to a wider audience. My knowledge of the tarot has deepened over the years. I enjoy how the cards express what is around a person. When giving readings I also use my pendulum, clairaudience & clairsentience to provide further clarification. When there’s a particularly strong connection my clairvoyance kicks in too.
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I like to help people, I find my tarot readings supported by my pendulum, clairaudience and clairsentience help provide great insight of what is possible in the future depending on the individual’s free will. I aim to guide clients to see their options more clearly in times of need, or confusion. There is nothing better than hearing positivity and hope in someone’s voice, that point in a reading where it ‘all makes sense’ and their whole demeanour reflects an inner contentment from knowing there's light at the end of their tunnel.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
As a Libran the symbol associated with my sign is the scales of balance. I see these as representing the balance I continually seek in myself and my life; making me very typical of my sign. I often weigh up both sides in difficult situations, needing to be in possession of all the facts before making, what I refer to as, an 'informed' decision. Librans are known to maintain peace and harmony which is consistently reflected in my dislike of conflict or discord. Like many Librans I'm level-headed in crises or very stressful chapters of life. I'm often sought out to come up with practical solutions and problem solve.
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
When I was a little girl my intuition was much sharper than that of many people around me and as I grew up my awareness of situations and others became more and more sensitive. I often find I connect with people who cross my path in life who need guidance to understand situations, experiences, what the future might bring and to help lift them into a more positive frame of mind. Before reading professionally I always referred to my ‘6th sense’ when telling people, I felt things were going to happen before they did. Over the years I've been drawn more and more towards developing my abilities, honing my skills and helping others by providing clarity, in much the same way many readers have done for me throughout my life.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
I find every client is as unique as their fingerprints, so every reading is memorable for me. I recall reading for a work colleague out of the blue when she expressed her interest in tarot and having readings. As I began to read for her she became very quiet, then suddenly interrupted me to tell me I was “spot on” and outlined the current situation she was in. Her life was perfectly aligned to what I said I could see in the cards and feel around me. She said I gave her a sense of contentment and peace around the massive decision she’d made to end an extremely long-term relationship, follow her own dreams in business and move house closer to her family. She confessed to suddenly feeling released from pangs of guilt over ending the relationship, or doubts around her own judgement, from making such dramatic changes in her life simultaneously. She was most adamant that I should pursue reading professionally!
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
“You’ve had a colourful life yourself!” my mother said recently when I was on the phone telling her about a very interesting person I’d been introduced to. I’ve been through many of life's ups and downs. I feel if I’ve not experienced something the universe must have decided it wasn’t worth me doing! I draw on my personal experiences and intuition around people to help others see problems in a more positive way. Often it isn’t just the case of walking the same road but having worn the same shoes that provides better understanding & insight. I undertook formal qualifications before beginning to read professionally. I successfully completed an accredited course on both tarot reading and pendulum dousing with a qualified member of the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
Clients should always keep an open mind; remember they have free will and that readings for guidance and clarity only. The ability to change their destiny will only be invoked by a person’s own choices. A reading is like a dual carriageway, the client needs to be open minded, with reasonable expectations, enabling communication in both directions. As a reader I see myself as a conduit to clients exploring opportunities in life. My place is not to threaten, judge, or have all the answers. I often find when a client connects and is open to what I receive amazing things happen.
Lady Tara's Availability
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What our customers say about Lady Tara
Lovely lady and really good reading thank you
- claire
26th December 2020
Hi Lady Tara we got cut off, great accurate reading around my relocation and you've really helped me regain my power. Thank you!!
- Emma
8th October 2020
I had an amazing reading with Lady Tara 29/9/20. I was absolutely astounded what a fantastic reader she was. She was spot on and so accurate regarding my present position. Lady Tara knows about the twin flame connection in depth. She is a lovely lady, very empathic and makes you feel at ease. Very warm lady too. I would highly recommend Lady Tara. Love and Light Michelle xx
- Michelle
30th September 2020
Hi Tara, My heartfelt thanks to you. Your reading was amazing, informative and very helpful. I will be back.
- Ayse
19th September 2020
Thank you Tara.Leannexx
- Leanne
8th August 2020
Wow , thank you so so much lady Tara that was such a fantastic uplifting reading you are such an inspiration and a very honest calming genuine soul , I felt like you knew me and everything about me and what my mind was thinking am blown away by your accuracy and I’m so grateful I had the pleasure of getting a reading from you today ,8-8-20 and especially as I’m going through the most massive changes in my life in lots of ways I feel more positive an focused now moving forward on my new journey many many thanks ????. Christina. XXX
- Christina
8th August 2020
Amazing reader! Spot on, I gave no information but she was remarkably accurate with all the themes and situations I'm facing right now. Very quick, no questions and a lot of empowering wisdom and insight. Many thanks. Angela. xx
- Angela
31st July 2020
Wow .. thank you... thank you so much ....( queen of the sofa) ... I'll balance and rebuild ... as a reader myself this lady is the real deal ... warm love to you xxx
- Tracey
20th July 2020
Thank you Tara.Spot on with everything. Leanne xx
- Leanne
22nd June 2020
Thank you for the detailed progress reading. AG 15/5/20
- AG
15th May 2020