Garry Edwards

Reader Methods
About Garry Edwards
Hi my name is Garry. I started my journey from childhood working with spirit. I'm a professional Psychic, Clairvoyant and Medium. I also read tarot cards with over 20 years experience. I do platform work, private events and serve spiritual churches and centres throughout the Midlands. I also carry out spiritual healing.
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I enjoy being able to communicate with spirit and giving clients peace of mind that there is life after life. Giving support and guidance is important as this helps them seek their pathway in truth.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
I'm practical, grounded, down to earth and work with my heart.
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
Being one of seven and the youngest in my family, they always knew I was different. When I was 7, my dad passed to sprit. Being gifted, I knew he was by my side and still is even to this day.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
I gave a reading to a client, the lady had lost her husband 12 months ago and she was still grieving. great help. Through my gift and communication with spirit I was able to offer advice and guidance to help this lady accept transition which encouraged her to move forward and to start enjoying her life again.
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
I am very thankful that I have been blessed by sprit, to work with them and to be a channel for their energy. I'm a natural trance medium and spiritual healer.
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
It is important when having a reading that you have an open mind and remember that you cannot make demands of spirit.
Garry Edwards's Availability
This reader has not entered any dates for this week.
What our customers say about Garry Edwards
you logged off quickly. came online after a long time. need some guidance. Please come back:) S
- Anon
10th December 2022
Need your guidance. Please come back.
- Anon
2nd December 2022
Need to speak soon. S
- Anon
2nd November 2022
Gary, need to speak to you. Haven't seen you logging in lately. Hope you are okay. S
- Anon
19th October 2022
Hi Garry, thanks again for your amazing reading. I appreciate your understanding of my life and your ability to read it in a compassionate, caring and constructive way. Will be in touch again soon. A xx
- Anon
29th June 2022
Need to speak again soon. Please come back . Thanks , S - 5th June 22
- Anon
5th June 2022
Got the keys as you predicted. there were issues some got resolved. I have some questions as to the new issues. keep on missing when you are coming online. May be the time hasn't come to connect again. hope I would be able to speak sooner than I thought as i want to have some insights into how the new issues will get sorted. Thanks again. speak soon. 28th May - S
- Anon
28th May 2022
Thank you Garry for your reading today, amazing as always A xx
- Anon
25th May 2022
Remarkable reader, Accurate, has given insights into situations. Predictions are unfolding. Keys seems to be coming into my hands very soon, this month -May as you have predicted. Waiting for the major predictions in relation to a family member. Hope that unfolds very soon like you have said. As that should be soon, will hope to speak to you in 3 weeks time. Thanks again - 19th May. S.
- Anon
19th May 2022
Garry…just brilliant 🤩 Big smile on my face, thank you. Spot on x
- Sandra
14th May 2022