Tarot, Medium, Clairvoyant -- all the clairs

Reader Methods
About Phoenicia
I have always been psychic.At the age of six I lived in Libya with my family. My uncle was coming to visit from the UK. At 9.07 PM precisely, I awoke screaming, "Uncle Frank isn't coming -- the plane's on fire! He isn't coming!" The next day my parents were told that uncle Frank's plane had crashed at exactly 9.07 PM. The same happened when my grandmother died. She appeared at the end of my bed and I remember saying, "Hello Grandma, what are you doing here?" She replied, "I've come to say goodbye." I called out to my parents, "Grannies here!" Apparently it was just past midnight. The next day a telegram arrived -- my grandmother had passed at 12.02 AM. There are many similar instances such as when I was twelve. Two days before my father died he was at a dinner with my mother and I was petrified he wouldn't return. I couldn't stop crying and waited up for them. Once they got home I flung my arms around my father sobbing, "Daddy I thought you were dead! I thought you'd died!" Two days later he had a fatal heart attack. I first started doing readings thirty years ago -- I bought a pack of Morgan Greer cards at a psychic fair. In the building where I lived there was a bar downstairs and I gave the female bartender a reading, telling her that she'd be in Italy the next weekend with a hunky Italian. She scoffed saying there was no way -- she didn't even have a boyfriend. A few weeks later she told me that she'd met an Italian and he'd whisked her away to Portofino! Word got round that I was psychic and I was then inundated with requests for readings. I use the Tarot as a tool but then tune into my guides and basically enter a twilight zone. It's magic and I love it!
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I like to give them confidence in their abilities and help them feel free to be themselves and go for it! My mantra is; "There are no rules. Live baby live!" I love it when they go away with a renewed sense of resolve and the realisation that they're on the right path. I also send healing
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
I'm an Aries so can be impulsive and a bit of a hot head sometimes, but the positive aspect of my sign is that I fear nothing! I go for it! If I were told that I was going to die tomorrow I can honestly say I have no regrets. I've done everything I've wanted to do. Admittedly there have been some disastrous outcomes, but I won't go to my grave wondering what if?
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
It first became apparent to my family when I was six years old, but I only became aware in my early twenties.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
I was living in the States and Sandra, one of my best friends was/is a psychic. Her late grandmother who I'd never met came through and asked me to call Sandra as she would be getting in a car with strangers to go to their house and she mustn't go!.Well -- I thought I was nuts and ignored "grannies" warning, but the old lady wouldn't give up and kept coming through until I finally picked up the phone and called Sandra, who listened with interest as apparently a couple had turned up on her doorstep asking for a reading just days earler -- they hadn't phoned because Sandra's number was ex-directory and they had no mutual friends to get the number from. However, despite Sandra's exclusivity they had somehow learned that not only was she a practising psychic but had also found her address and then persuaded her to set a date for a reading.They would pick her up in their car and drive her to their house! Sandra's daughter wasn't happy and had bad vibes but Sandra took no notice only coming to her senses when I called and relayed her gran’s message. Obviously she then wanted to cancel immediately but was unable to call them as she had NO contact details, so she had to wait until they arrived on the allotted date and told them she couldn't read for them. They became very nasty and tried to pull her out of the house. Fortunately Sandra's husband had decided to stay home that day in case there was any funny business. He rescued her and sent the evil duo packing!
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
Apparently I inspire people. Many clients have come back to me and say that they dared to go for their dreams after a reading with me.
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
Decide what you want from the reading and then find a reader that you feel will be in tune with you.
Phoenicia's Availability
This reader has not entered any dates for this week.
What our customers say about Phoenicia
Sorry I didn’t get to say thank you before we cut off. Thank you as always and have a good weekend 19/3/2021 A x
- Andrea
19th March 2021
Hey so sorry had to go quiet as family were close by. Wanted to extend but talk another day. Thank you as always A from AA ????????
- Andrea
7th March 2021
Could talk to you all day every day. Thank you for being so uplifting during this time x
- Andrea
4th March 2021
Thank you for your support through this break up. Sorry to keep bothering you. I will try to be strong. Love talking to you. X
- Andrea
26th February 2021
You said last night he’s thinking of contacting me now. He contacted me today. I really want to talk to you about it but I’ll leave it for now. You said 4-5 weeks for things to iron out. I’ll be patient. Thank you for your support. Love talking to you. You’re fab x
- Andrea
23rd February 2021
Sometimes you speak to a woman and you know and feel her strength as it uplifts you immediately. Thank you Phoenicia. And I know things will say as you say as that’s what I feel and when I didn’t believe it last time you were right too. Thank you x
- Andrea
20th February 2021
Phoenicia has read for me twice and each time told me something in such startling detail I was left in no doubt that she was genuine. She goes at almost 100mph so you'd better have a good memory or be really quick at taking notes. Both of her readings were a couple of months apart and 100% consistent. It gave me peace of mind and confidence that if her validations could be so accurate, her predictions are bound to be as well. I know I'll be calling her again. Thank you so much, Phoenicia - it was such a joy speaking with you.
- Sarah
5th December 2020
Fantastic reading! I spoke to her over 2,5 hours with extension. I think my life has changed after speaking to her. So overwhelmed with the information provided, I feel that I was destined to speak to her. Thank you
- Ayse
11th November 2020
Phoenicias readings are always exceptional - she looks further into every detail and always picks up exactly what is going on around me. Her predictions come to light and her explanation of situations is spot on x
- Jess
24th October 2020
What can I say. Amazing reader. So positive and uplifting. Will be back. Thank You.
- Jeanette
27th September 2020