Sagittarius Horoscope
Daily Horoscope
18 March 2025
While having the Moon in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart in the early part of the working week might slow things down, this works to your advantage professionally. With no planetary activity here, the Moon's return every four weeks is an invitation to make time to hear yourself think and after last week's dramatic eclipsing Full Moon, this is just what your stress levels need. Whatever was energised on the job and career fronts by last week's lunar eclipse will continue to play out, with today's slower pace giving you time to process and unpack a download of information and insight.
Weekly Horoscope
Week beginning 17 March 2025
On both sides of life's fence, there is a chance to reap the benefits from last Friday's eclipsing Full Moon. On the one hand, the first total lunar eclipse in your career sector in 17 years and its friendly aspect to Uranus in your work sector just as it peaked has energised things professionally. It is having the South Node here that turned an ordinary Full Moon into a lunar eclipse and it is having it here and its ongoing partnership with Uranus that is going to keep things in motion, though without the same intensity. At the same time, this was a Full Moon that at this time each year, will always put your work/life balance to the test and on Monday and Tuesday, the Sun will cross the lunar nodes, which are just two months into their 18 month policing of just that. With Venus and Mercury in retrograde motion in a playful and creative part of your chart and the Sun returning on Thursday, this will make it easier to find the kind of balance between work and play that allows you to have it all.
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If your birthday is between November 23rd and December 21st and you want to find out a bit more about yourself, or want to learn about the Sagittarians in your life, get in touch with our psychic readers on 09057897752 (calls cost 80p per minute plus your network access charge) or on 01618640152.
Sagittarius Personality Traits
Sagittarians are known for their sense of humour, their boldness, their brashness, and of course, their great sense of adventure! Sagittarians are the life of the party, blessed with the gift of the gab and are some of the wittiest people you’ll ever meet. Always travelling or planning their next trip, Sagittarians are always full of stories to regale with those around them, and don’t mind being the centre of attention!
They are smart and fiercely independent, which means that they’re also incredibly emotionally intelligent and compassionate. Sagittarians know how to step into someone else’s shoes and find it easy to understand how others can feel in a certain situation. They’re not always the best advice-givers (impatience and impulsiveness don’t always make for the best solutions), but you can count on them to genuinely sympathise and empathise with others no matter what’s going on. They’re also very trustworthy and you know that a Sagittarius will take any secret to the grave. However, they’re also very honest and will tell you what they think, regardless of whether it’s what you want to hear or not.
Sagittarians are also very intellectual and inquisitive. This is part of what drives their adventurous streak - wanting to know and see everything the world has to offer them. An intense curiosity about other people and cultures is a big part of their wanderlust.
What Are Sagittarius’ Weaknesses?
For all of the great qualities that make Sagittarians so bright and vibrant there are a few flaws that can make them a bit of a nightmare too! Sagittarians' fierce independence can make it hard for them to mesh well in a group setting, whether it’s at school as children or in the workplace as adults. They don’t do it to be unkind, but they simply can’t stand to be “held back”, and when given responsibility, will run it as far as it can go.
As bright, strong and shiny as the Sagittarius personality can be, it’s one that can get hurt very easily. As a highly emotional, intuitive and compassionate people, they take a lot of things very personally. For example, criticism of their work or performance at a certain discipline will cut them deeply and is something they can get caught up in, even if it’s well-intentioned and constructive. This can make it hard for more emotional signs to critique them, even if they need to hear it, and frustrate those who are bolder and more no-nonsense (looking at you, Leo). As compassionate souls, Sagittarians are often a little naive and it’s easy for others to take advantage of their better nature, sometimes without even realising it!
The greatly inquisitive nature of Sagittarius is a wonderful strength and a big part of who they are, but also means they can be impatient, flakey, and quick to abandon things that don’t excite them. They often have lots of half-finished projects sitting around collecting dust since they’ve moved onto something entirely different. They can also be this way with new friendships and relationships, leading to a reputation as “fairweather friends”. Fortunately, their compassionate nature generally tends to balance this out, but it’s something most archers have to be very conscious of.
To find out more about the strengths and weaknesses of your archer friends, or if you’re a Sagittarius looking to be a little more introspective, don’t hesitate to call Psychic Sofa for psychic readings on 09057897752 (calls cost 80p per minute plus your network access charge) or on 01618640152.
Who is Sagittarius Compatible With?
Sagittarians are very fun, adventurous and playful in their relationships, so need a partner who is open to all the craziness they can bring! Sagittarians are renowned for their ability to get on with anyone, which is why there are quite a few matches for Sagittarius that are purely platonic. In a romantic relationship, they need someone who understands their need for independence and adventure, as well as being honest and with a great sense of humour!
Sagittarius and Capricorn Compatibility: Sagittarius and Capricorn both need someone who is open to their differences, and they can find this together, However, most relationships need someone to make the first move when it comes to real emotional depth, and both of these signs are pretty reluctant to do so!
Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility: While it might not always translate into romance, Sagittarius and Aquarius are sure to be the best of friends. In a romantic relationship, this can be a great strength, but even if it doesn’t progress past platonic affection, Sagittarians and Aquarians help make each other’s lives better.
Sagittarius and Pisces Compatibility: Another pair that are great as friends but not always as lovers are Sagittarius and Pisces. With many shared interests and a passion for the intellectual, this can be a great friendship. If it does turn romantic between this pair, things are likely to be a flash in the pan due to both of their changeable natures.
Sagittarius and Aries Compatibility: These two truly represent the warmth and passion that you’d expect from a duo of fire signs! Laughter, kindness, cheer and adventure are all part of this relationship, as well as honesty, communication and a healthy respect for each other’s differences.
Sagittarius and Taurus Compatibility: When it comes to relationships with Taurus, Sagittarius is firmly in the no-romance zone. A Taurus’ need for stability in a relationship simply can’t be met by Sagittarius without changing who they are. Likewise, Taurus would spend their whole life out of their comfort zone trying to meet Sagittarius’ need for adventure, which doesn’t do either of them any good!
Sagittarius and Gemini Compatibility: These two are compatible in every way. They understand each other completely, both physically and mentally, are drawn to similar activities and trust each other wholeheartedly. A bit of maturity on both sides is needed to make this relationship work, but if they can do that, Sagittarius and Gemini will be together forever.
Sagittarius and Cancer Compatibility: Flirty Sagittarius and serious Cancer are another match that are better as friends than as lovers. Cancer finds it hard to understand and trust their Sagittarian partner, and they have very different emotional responses to any given situation. However, in the fairly unlikely event these two do end up in a romantic relationship born of friendship, they will actually be very good for each other as that trust and understanding has been built up already.
Sagittarius and Leo Compatibility: Another fire sign pairing signals another great romance for Sagittarius! These two are completely besotted with each other, and together have the stamina to keep that flame burning for many years! Leo brings the emotional heat, while Sagittarius brings the adventure they both need to keep things interesting.
Sagittarius and Virgo Compatibility: Both Virgo and Sagittarius are mutable signs, which means they are ever-changing and always looking for new adventures. Together, this can mean an exciting relationship, but sadly one that won’t always last. As much fun as this pair may have, they don’t always have the emotional understanding needed to take it long-term.
Sagittarius and Libra Compatibility: There's something special about this pair. Sagittarius often struggles to open up, while Libra can seem too proud and serious. Together, however, we can see Sagittarians open up as they do with no-one else, and the warmth of their spirit melt a Libra’s measured exterior to expose the joyful soul beneath.
Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility: While Libra helps Sagittarius open up, Scorpio does the exact opposite. Scorpio’s naturally guarded, mysterious nature might be attractive to start with, as will Sagittarius’ immutable zest for life, but before long the cracks will begin to show as these two struggle to commit and let others in.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility: You might think that these two would be a real power couple, but once again, these two need a push to open up and neither wants to make the first move. However, if they can push through, their shared values, passions and trustworthiness can make a strong, solid and joyful relationship that lasts.
Find out more about who you are compatible with by calling for a trusted telephone psychic reading on 09057897752 (calls cost 80p per minute plus your network access charge) or on 01618640152.
Who Should Sagittarius Marry?
When it comes to a long-term relationship, Sagittarius should be with someone who understands that they can be changeable, adventurous, flighty and more than anything hate to be tied down. As a mutable sign, they are always looking both inwards and outwards to understand themselves and those around them, which some signs such as Virgo and Taurus can find difficult to live with. These signs value stability, routine and comfort, which is admirable, but not a match for Sagittarius.
From a practical standpoint, which is always important when talking about marriage, Sagittarians can be a little financially irresponsible due to their impulsive nature and natural impatience. Someone who can guide them a bit closer to financial health without being a terrible bore or making them feel lectured can be a great partner for Sagittarius and can help them develop new perspectives and skills, which they will highly appreciate.
However, more than anything, a Sagittarius needs someone they know will love them no matter what. They’ll be honest and true to those they care about, and they’re well aware of their own flaws. Someone open-minded, patient, kind and accepting of them in all their forms is the ultimate match for Sagittarius, and in return, you’ll get a life full of fun, laughter and adventure.
How To Attract A Sagittarius Man or Sagittarius Woman
The Sagittarius man is always searching for something new to excite and invigorate him. Lots of Sagittarian men might be considered “womanisers”, but they see flirtation and romance as experiencing as much as they can with lots of different people, in the same way they’d see an overseas trip or new experience! He can be very restless and doesn’t like a clingy partner or someone who demands their attention all the time. When Sagittarians care, they’ll shower the object of their affections with love and care without needing to be asked, and the Sagittarius man in particular likes to take the lead on this kind of thing. A good date with a Sagittarius man is something he won’t expect or have tried before (though this can be pretty hard to organise sometimes!). Alternatively, setting up something you haven’t tried before will impress him as it shows you’re willing to open up to all kinds of new experiences, something that goes hand in hand with a Sagittarian lover.
The Sagittarius man and woman are very similar. They refuse to settle for someone who doesn’t make them happy or who will make life more difficult for them, which is why many Sagittarians have had multiple beaus in their lives. The Sagittarius woman has an adventurous streak just as long as her male counterpart and a strong need for intellectual and imaginative stimulation in a partner. Life is an adventure for the Sagittarius woman, but that doesn’t mean you’re just along for the ride. If you want to make it last with a Sagittarius woman, you need to challenge, push and drive her just as much as she does you.
To find out more about the Sagittarian object of your affections, call one of our experienced psychic readers on 09057897752 (calls cost 80p per minute plus your network access charge) or on 01618640152.
Sagittarius Astrology Report
Our psychic telephone readings are created with you in mind. Every single one of our readers is highly experienced in creating astrology reports that make sense for you. Not only will we look at your star sign, but we will also consider your own experiences, personality and other elements of the zodiac, such as your sun sign. Our readings can help guide you, reassure you and give you the confidence you need to take on whatever challenges are facing you!
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