Taurus Horoscope

Daily Horoscope

22 March 2025

Two days after the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment turned retrograde in your financial sector and since the Sun returned to an intuitive and imaginative part of your chart just a few hours later, their alignment peaks. With Venus and Mercury not only also in an intuitive and imaginative part of your chart but due to connect with Juno before they retrograde back out next week, this is helping to fuel your financial confidence and imagination in a unique and all encompassing way. As you begin a chance to review your financial resolutions it is with your financial confidence and imagination fuelled.

Weekly Horoscope

Week beginning 17 March 2025

Venus was already in retrograde motion in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart when Mercury turned direct over the weekend, something that turned this into more than just your heart taking a nostalgic trip down memory lane. By the time the Sun returns on Thursday to begin the month long wind down of your old solar year, Mercury will be giving you a chance to take a more objective and even strategic look back through the rear view mirror. Meanwhile, Uranus is not only in Taurus and in direct motion, but his quest for the most authentic path forward got a massive boost thanks to a friendly aspect the Moon just as Friday's eclipsing Full Moon in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery peaked. With the South Node, the force that turned Friday's Full Moon into a total lunar eclipse still here and drawing closer to Uranus, while there is a lot more focus on looking back, this is giving you time to plot a path for the journey ahead before your birthday month and new solar year begins.

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