Find Your Life Goals

Do you feel as if you're cruising along on auto-pilot, drifting from day to day? You have a routine, but are you thinking for yourself about what you want


How to discover your purpose in life


Do you feel as if you're cruising along on auto-pilot, drifting from day to day? You have a routine, but are you thinking for yourself about what you want? Or are you allowing others to direct you? Spiritually speaking the dark winter months are the ideal time for you to hunker down at home and plan a bright future for the year ahead. So, it's time to take back control of your life by discovering the things that will make you most happy - and doing them! Choose your top five life goals from the list below, and spend half an hour every week planning how you can achieve these goals. So you can begin to create the life you've always wanted.


*Being happy

Number one on everyone's list! But what does this mean to you? The definition of personal happiness will vary for every person. For you, does it mean feeling content with your life? Or does it mean being in a loving relationship? Does it mean feeling satisfied with yourself as a person? Define happiness for yourself then take steps to make it happen.


*Being true to yourself

Having the courage to follow your own path in life, rather than the one set out by family or society. This is a path to happiness.


*Having a rewarding career

Are you happy at work? If not, why? Think about what you can do to improve your work situation. Perhaps a few changes to your role, or a complete career change. It's never too late to retrain and try something new.


*Discovering your spirituality

Everyone has the potential to discover spirituality. It's one of your highest life purposes. As you unlock your spirituality your soul will evolve and a whole new world will open for you. Find out which path suits you. Don't blindly follow others. Find your own way.


*Finding an adventure

What adventure have you always wanted to take? A place you want to visit or an experience you want to have. Now is the time to start planning and saving for your adventure.


*Finding peace

If you are not at peace with yourself, happiness will not manifest. Get to the root of what is troubling you. Ask yourself difficult questions and answer honestly. Do you need to forgive someone? Do you need to forgive yourself? Do you need to let go of the past.



This is one of the key purposes of life. To learn is to evolve. So find out about something new. You could teach yourself a new skill using books, the internet or the knowledge of a person you know. Expand your mind.


*Find your passion

Once you find what you are passionate about you have found your life's purpose. Try out lots of different interests until you find the one you are most talented at.


*Having financial stability

Knowing your bills are covered for the month and you have money to spend on entertainment. Being able to build up savings to see you through any tough times. If finances are tight, how can you economise, and earn more money to achieve future financial stability?


*Good health

Do you need to sharpen up your fitness levels? Or eat more nutritious foods? You can help yourself to be as healthy as you possibly can by staying active and eating well.


*Enjoying life

The meaning of this is unique to you. But your life should be joyful at least some of the time. What do you enjoy? Think about hobbies, relaxation, adventures.


*Having a friendship group

Good friends make you happy. So finding a handful of people you can call close friends is a great life goal. Choose wisely, though, as negative people have the opposite effect.


*Increasing in empathy

A sign of spiritual evolution, caring for others and trying to help others, with no reward for yourself, means your soul is evolving. It will make you happy and win you friends, too!


*Finding a life partner

Having a loving relationship is one of many people's life goals. But it should only be one of many parts of your life, not an obsession.


*Discovering your values

What moral values are important to you? What ethical framework do you want to live by? Discovering this will add structure and meaning to your life.


*Relationship with family

Family can bring great joy and great pain. Make next year the time you heal rifts and try to build better or deeper relationships with family, if this is possible.


*Decision making

Instead of rushing into situations, try to think through your decisions carefully. Instead of going with the flow, make your own decisions based on sound, logical reasons.


*Being a role model

No matter your situation in life you can set a good example to others. Whether that's as a parent to your children, or to the other adults and children you encounter in your daily life. Strive to be the best version of yourself all the time.


*Growing in confidence

Learning to trust yourself is one of the greatest gifts. Have faith in your decisions. Your opinion is important. Your voice needs to be heard. Your contribution matters.


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