Emily Rose

Natural Psychic Clairvoyant, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Tarot Cards, Angel Cards, Crystals, Psychic Development, Reiki Healing

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About Emily Rose

What do I like most about giving readings to clients :

I love helping people and I feel that through my natural psychic gift my readings can help my clients in many ways, whether that's gaining them clarity upon a situation, giving them hope and an excitement about the future, helping them see the light when they are in the darkness or generally helping them on their pathway the best I can. I am always there for people from all walks of life and love to help any way I can. My readings are always a great honour for me to be able to help someone in their life on their journey and many clients have become great friends of mine over the years.

How would I say I am typical of my star sign :

Being a Pisces we are naturally very empathetic and caring people with a big warm heart. This makes us the ideal reader who can sympathise with your problems, as often we have been in the same boat ourselves and had our own life lessons to learn from in order to serve others better. We also are very often born with a natural psychic ability which makes us in tune with the world of spirit from a very young age. This was the case with myself and my gifts have been passed down from my mothers side from generation to generation. Both my grandmother and mother are psychic. As a Pisces we are also great listeners and non judgmental - which make us very open and honest people and a great person to turn to if you are in a crisis or need honest advice. We are very loyal people and extremely genuine - if we make a connection with you we will always be there for you no matter what.

When did you first become aware of your gift?

From a very young age as a child. This was reassured to me by my mother as normal as she had the gift from her mother, but as a child you are often a little unsure of it. Only then as you grow older do you start to understand that it"s totally normal and nothing to be afraid of and start to see it as a great gift to be able to help others in life. I fully embrace my psychic abilities now and have done for the last 15 years.

What is my most memorable experience with a client?

Well there are so many to recount, but to me the most prolific readings are those which you get information coming through and when you tell the client they instantly validate what you have said - this always is a highly enjoyable experience and helps the reader and client connect deeper in the reading as you are working with a great connection.

Another example is when a client was very unsure of her personal relationship with a man she loved deeply. She was very unsure and felt positive the relationship was over as she felt he had been unfaithful. When looking into the situation I saw that even though she had doubts and yes this man had enjoyed some fair flattery outside of the relationship, he did indeed genuinely love my client. I reassured her that he would be coming forwards and wanting to talk about the future and at the time this seemed impossible, however within a few weeks my client rang me back and confirmed what I had seen - he wanted to move forwards with her, put the past behind them and start afresh. She is now very happy with him today and glad she did not walk away. Of course we all have free will and can change our life path at any time to what we feel is best for us at any given time, but sometimes spirit has their own ways of working mysteriously to bring people together who are meant to be.

What other experiences and qualifications do you have that helps you as a reader?

I am a fully trained Reiki Master and have been for the last ten years, this has greatly helped me open up when working with spirit. It also helps me connect better to the client on a healing level and pick up on their energy. I have over ten years experience working in the field professionally as a psychic and have attended many psychic fairs, events and have a growing list of private clients worldwide. I take pride also in word of mouth recommendations which is always lovely.

What is the most important thing for a client to consider before having a reading?

I always feel it is important for a client to be relaxed, open minded and be drawn to their reader for the best natural connection. As psychics we can only advise upon what we feel or see and will always be open and honest. We are here to help and I will always look after my client and tell things as I see it as I have their best interests at heart. If you are clear on the area you wish to look at or have any questions you may wish to ask ready this will help you gain the best from your reading.

I would also like to clarify with potential clients wishing to book a reading with me that I am not a Psychic Medium who connects to a deceased former partner / person upon demand. For such services of those wishing to speak specifically with a deceased relative / friend I recommend that you consult with a Psychic Medium, but be aware one cannot always guarantee spirit can be brought in on demand. I work with the world of spirit and my guides in a beautiful and natural way when delivering a reading and any guidance that may come through to enhance the reading at the time of connection will be given.

I look forward to reading for you.

Emily Rose's Availability

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What our customers say about Emily Rose

What can I say?? Emily Rose is just lovely - I feel so much calmer and more focused now I have spoken to her. Emily Rose gave me a realistic timescale and I am confident what she has predicted will come to pass. A lovely, well spoken and gently person - I feel so much happier and looking forward to the future. Thank you so much. Very difficult to get hold of but well worth persevering. (the lady from Maidens) xx

- Ann

3rd July 2014

Emily Rose, you told me in my last reading that I would get contact within 8 days and picked up the significance of Saturday. I got contact on Saturday just like you said. Thank you once again Emily Rose for you just being there listening to me going on about my favourite subject. You are like a true friend who picks me up when im feeling down. I have absolute trust in you, and your predictions, which I know will take place in the future. Your connection with spirit is amazing, and you never give me false hope. Emily Rose is an outstanding reader. xx

- na

30th June 2014

Wow. Just this word sums up Emily Rose. Emily you are just amazing and so quick to tune in. You give validation after validation. You have such warmth, Kindness and above all your beautiful way in reading, which is always uplifting. Your predictions are coming true which spot on time frames. Emily you are a beautiful soul and you help many souls through you guidance and positive manner.

- NA

29th June 2014

Lovely lady to speak to and an excellent reading. Just tells truth exactly as it is, no fantasies. Thanks.

- jac

27th June 2014

27/06/14 Emily Rose, again, ensured me that my happiness' are on their way, and I will see a very positive out-come in my love situation form August time, and after more good things pan out in my favour. Thanks, Emily Rose. K/N

- K/N

27th June 2014

Dear Emily Rose, I've been in touch with you for a few readings about my (ex?) bf... You always said he'd make contact within the next 2-3 weeks. You said there was no other woman around him, that he did not want to end the relationship with me, and that when I see him he will be like a dog with his tail between his legs, and that he regretted how he acted the last time we argued. I must admit that I lost all hopes, I entertained a new guy (which I also asked about!). I even told you that I sent him an email to get his stuff back or I can give them to chArity, and you said that he will take his time to reply because he didn't want to mess it up again. Well you know what, everything happened exactly the way you said it would! You even said Saturday is a significant day for me. He got in touch that Saturday afternoon ( I was expecting the other guy to be in touch that day!) and despite being a little pushy on my part to end things with him, I was surprised that he was calm and still went to see me last Sunday (it was our first year anniversary!) carrying a bottle of prosecco and a box of chocolates! Not only that, he did open up about missing me and that he hasn't forgotten me, him being sleepless and restless, and all this time he was waiting for me to contact him. Yes, he did not want to end it! It's soooo amazing how accurate you were! Now what do I do with the other guy?:)) I will call you again very soon! xxx

- J

24th June 2014

Totally wow! Hardly took a breath and got the situation and the characters involved completely spot on. Sorry I got cut off before I got saying thank you, Emily rose. Wow again!

- n/a

21st June 2014

I love this lady! Emily has such a gift and can tune in so well without asking for any info. She has been extremely accurate at picking up on my own circumstances and has been consistent with the outcomes in all my readings. No wonder she is so difficult to get hold of... Thank you, Emily! X

- V

13th June 2014

Such a beautiful soul and a lovely lady. Such accuracy and sincerity when speaking to Emily. Such a rare gift used in a special way. Thank you very much for your bright reading. Full of light

- N/a

11th June 2014

I have had many readings with Emily Rose, and I don't know how she does it but she is always on a good mood and her wonderful charisma just makes me happy, even if I feel down. Her readings are always very positive and uplifting. Her predictions have so far happened and they are a few more to come. Even if we sometimes find it hard to believe, guides do work in mysterious ways and I sometimes wonder what goes on in my life (or this other person's) but I do not doubt her readings, nor do I doubt our guides abilities! Even if it's hard, we must trust and believe. In other words, Emily Rose is amazing! A beautiful lady inside and outside with such a warm heart. Emily Rose, I will call you again and again (you are always busy which is great but I shall be blessed and speak to you soon) I still wish you continuous success in your life, for the future. You deserve the best. May love & blessings always be with you as well as good health. Just stay how you are, you are awesome! Thank you for everything and for always being real and honest and of course thank you to yours and my guides ^_^ Best Wishes to you and to all of you out there! God Bless! C.


9th June 2014

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