
Intuitive Tarot Reader

Reader profile image for Pigeon

About Pigeon

I live alone since losing my mother in 2020. I was her carer in recent years which meant I had to leave my posts of Shop Assistant and Librarian. Mum was widowed in 1967 when I was five and she never re-married. She was a true free spirit who challenged the doctrines of human policy and believed in the natural power and magic of nature. She was a keen follower of the tarot cards and my sister, and I would often find her pouring over spreads on our rickety kitchen table. Needless to say, we were immediately drawn in and have continued to listen to our inner voices ever since, developing our own personal psychic traits. The gift of insight and intuition came from Mum's bloodline; we were told tales of 'strange Aunts taking her as a toddler to gather herbs under the full moon'! Mum is still a huge part of my life and I'm sure manifests in the strangest ways! It was shortly after she passed, that people began bringing me injured birds, pigeons in particular. I am convinced that it was Mum, guiding them to me, reconstructing my life and more importantly, giving me someone to care for again. I have re-wild around fourteen over the last couple of years, the last pair leaving recently, and it is no coincidence that they flew back into the world at a time I felt Mum's presence filter away slightly. She knew I was ready to let her go. She knew I was getting ready to let go of memories and allow them to become part of the future instead of trapping me in the past. Animals and birds are, and always will be bound by their natural magic just as Mum was. They are immune to the obstructions that we face in life as humans, and I connect with that. Mum loved the pigeons, and they would sit by her wheelchair outside. I often wonder what they were all chatting about and if she had told them her plan of action.

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

My energy is drawn to those in need. I find that whatever mood or circumstance a person may be in, when you read for them, there is an instant sense of wonderment; a lovely childlike acceptance of the time together. They sort of 'give in' to the joy of curiosity again and abandon the 'adult trappings' of the moment. Even if the person is a little dubious, hesitant or embarrassed to take part for whatever reasons, they are instantly drawn in, like I was as a child, looking at a tarot spread on a rickety old table! Even if readings foretell negative news, the person is less disturbed because somewhere deep down, I believe they suddenly trust in the Shamanic influences which come into place whenever any form of clairvoyance, channelling or connection with psychic awareness is called upon. It is often the process, not the result, that is the key to understanding the root of any problem or situation. For me, the cards help to express a clearer picture and it is my job to help explain the details with the sort of clarity you have at the beginning; when life was fun, clear headed and unobstructed by misguided duties.

How would you say you are typical of your star sign?

As a Leo I am without doubt an eternal teenager. Despite my years, I am forever experiencing the joy of freedoms that come with everyday life - the boring, the mundane. It is all an adventure if you see it that way. From planting potatoes to snacking on the stairs, nothing is ever truly ordinary. I love to joke and laugh without reserve. I am not restricted in my opinions, but I also know when they need to be reeled in. I am open minded and passionate about seeing justice delivered when needed and I will fight for this until there is no more road left to travel. I am protective and responsible, loyal to myself and also to others who allow me to have a share in their lives. Despite being Leo, I love solitude and peace but this I have found, is a re charge for the next project or bout of enthusiastic creativity! I am an artist, and lose myself in painting and writing at times, with no eye for time which is not difficult when you are swamped with inspiration and are caught in the process. I have no children but can connect with them, sometimes to the surprise of their parents. This I believe is because the kid in me refuses to wear the corporate suit of 'accepted adulthood'.

When do you remember being first aware of your gift?

I remember first being aware of 'not being quite alone' as a child. It wasn't because I felt entities around me, rather it was a feeling of connection with 'things' on a very deep and organic level. The ground outside was 'the almighty she'. The trees were 'figures of gentle authority'. The birds were 'guardians' of some sort. Everything seemed to have an identity, a pulse, a vibration. This sense of strange identification with the world and life continued throughout my adulthood. In my forties I took a course in Reiki and became a healer. Suddenly I realised that the pulse and vibration was me - that I was connected with the 'mass' that is life, Earth, Heavens, whatever it is you like to call it. It is all one pulse.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

The most memorable experience I had with someone I read for, was a work colleague. We worked in a Supermarket and my interest in 'strange things' was widely known and often laughed at. One of the assistants was deeply distressed about a relationship she was in. I had no experience of such things but trusted in the knowledge and 'experience' the cards would maybe give me. Having heard about me, the girl requested a short reading, which we did on a huge freezer whilst unloading cages. Terrified of my lack of romantic awareness, I shuffled and cut, and as I did so, my nerves left me, and I realised my whole body became focused on the task in hand. I became 'the messenger', nothing more. But it was enough. The news I gave the girl was accurate, acted upon I later heard and with pretty good results. I knew then that all I had to do, was 'give myself up' to those who are the true Gatekeepers; the Shamans, the Deck Shufflers, the Spirit Energies existing in the dimensions between ours. The rest will happen. Needless to say, I carried on loading that cage with a smile on my face and a warm sense of accomplishment and pride that 'I had done hem proud'.

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?

I remember a fiercely hot day. A car was parked outside the local Surgery. Two huge dogs were fighting in the back seats; there was just a tiny gap in the window. The car was rocking, and this was absolutely terrifying. I thought about it for a minute, then calmly walked over and lay my hand on the car window. The dogs immediately calmed down; they were panting and salivating. I smiled at them and whispered: 'She'll be out soon'. I had no idea who the car belonged to. Seconds later, a lady came rushing out to the dogs. This was a few days after my Reiki training. I knew from that point on that by having been 're attuned' at my Reiki course, myself, both physically and spiritually was reconnected with the true power - the true meaning of life. That is, unadulterated energy. This is what I felt as a child, but confusingly thought of everything as being some greater parent of sorts. Reiki literally opened me up to what we truly are, what we were put here for, what the truth of our presences are for in this world. And that is to care for, nurture, protect, fight for and respect the pulse that runs through everything and everyone. I try to do this every day with the help of Mum's presence, and the messages she and my pigeons both alive and deceased bring me.

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

The most important thing to consider when having a psychic reading, is that you are about to claim what is rightly for yours from the beginning of time; that is, the gift of pure curiosity and questioning that stems from ancient memory which is rightfully ours. Before tradition, human law and doctrines of all kinds laid down the plan, we were all something far, far greater and special. We were more that our names, titles, genders and belief systems. We were one. Psychic readings begin to open up those identities again; those routes that we first took with open minds and hearts before human identity made us its ward. However, with the freedom of self comes responsibility of behaviour and action. I feel that a person requesting a reading needs to try and be open and brave to what the cards tell them. They mustn't be afraid of judgement or condemnation because that only occurs in the physical world of situation and circumstance. Readings offer guidance and support from sources that determine what is due for our own good, and not as in the case of the physical world, for the benefit or profit of any given physical situation. The person asking the question should never feel overwhelmed in a negative way; rather they should go away feeling empowered with newfound knowledge that has far more bearing than human advice can offer. They will have tools to work with, not fear and insecurities that have become trade names for mankind. They will be warriors again.


Pigeon's Availability

This reader has not entered any dates for this week.

What our customers say about Pigeon

Cannot begin to describe how important Pigeon has become to me. Whenever we speak, it’s like a friend, and her reading is like a constant unfolding of emotions and moments that are spot on. She’s such a lovely, warm person and I take faith in her reading without doubt. Please, please give Pigeon a call, because you’ll get a genuine interest in your story, no repetitiveness or lack of insight (like some other readers). She always provides more details, and has the intuition and empathy to ask the questions you might forget to ask. Thank you!!!

- Chris

9th April 2023

I've had few readings with Pigeon, after the readings I feel good and uplifted and doubt is lifted, which in my opinion is what a good psychic service is about. Pigeon delivers the reading in a way that is truthful, in a sensitive manner and amazes me with the information. This lovely reader even remembered my conversations from another reading I had with her, which shows she cares about her clients. My finger is crossed that when I go to my class next week that a certain person won't be there! I highly recommend Pigeon.

- Francesca

22nd March 2023

5* great reading highly recommend straight on point with validities

- Anon

21st February 2023

You gave me the symbol of the Bear just the other day and I literally saw a black bear yesterday as I happened to walk a new route that took me over the back of a safari park and the bear happened to me by the fence. Wow wow wow, divine timing on that one. Still waiting to talk to my POI xx K xx

- Anon

30th January 2023

Lovely lady, thankyou so much, really nice to talk too and really good, thanks hun 💖

- SimonMark

28th January 2023

Oh what a beautiful amazing reader Pigeon is, she is so lovely, I had my first reading today, she is very fast, very gifted, picked up instantly the situation , totally spot on, I was so impressed, was one of the best readings I have had, and she is a beautiful animal lover like me, and aw her beautiful pigeon, lots and lots of love to you and all the animals you help, she is going to be so busy on sofa, loads of clarity, she is one of the best on sofa, could have spoke to her for hours! she has a heart of gold, and wants to help us . lots of love julie xx

- julie

25th January 2023

Reading on 2nd Jan 23. What a wonderful reader. Pigeon has a lovely down to earth energy and she reads the tarot with clarity and great articulation. I highly recommend her . Best wishes, Bernadette

- Bernadette

2nd January 2023

Thank you so much for a very interesting and in depth reading, I really enjoyed it - sorry we got cut off!

- Sandrine

28th December 2022

Thank you Pigeon. The reading was so very accurate and you are amazing. Thank you for your insights, all delivered with kindness and empathy ❤️

- Allison

26th December 2022

Thank you for another magical reading and super advice. On our last reading you gave contact within 8 days and I heard on day 7 outstanding. Pigeon is so down to earth and gives validation after validation. Thank you for an uplifting reading. Merry Christmas . xxxx

- Anon

20th December 2022

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