10 Natural Treatments For Allergies

Allergies cause unpleasant and debilitating symptoms but many people are concerned about the side effects of taking pills every day. Looking for an alternative?

Natural Remedies

10 Natural Treatments for allergies

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Summer sunshine brings a spell of welcome warmth to our shores. But the change of season can also bring sneezing, snuffling misery to people who suffer from allergies. Hay fever and other seasonal allergies cause unpleasant and debilitating symptoms, including itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, fatigue and congestion. Allergies are caused by an over-zealous immune response triggered by breathing in pollen, dust or coming into contact with animal fur or certain foods.

You can take anti-histamine tablets, which calm down your body's immune response, but many people are concerned about the side effects of taking a pharmaceutical tablet every day. So, increasingly, people are looking for effective, natural alternatives to free them from the symptoms of seasonal allergies.

1) Diet Changes

If you are sensitive to airborne allergens, you might also be sensitive to some types of foods. Nutritionists suggest avoiding allergy aggravating foods, such as dairy, citrus, peanuts, sugar, red meat and alcohol. While adding dark, leafy vegetables, onions, garlic, cayenne pepper, nettles, yellow peppers and carrots to your diet, as well as keeping well hydrated with mineral water.

2) Local Honey

Sweet and tasty - this remedy is more of a treat than a medicine. The idea is that eating local honey will 'immunise' your body to the allergens in the air in your local area. No side effects to this shot of sweetness! Enjoy a teaspoon of local honey twice a day. Begin taking it a month or two before your allergies usually start so you can give your body time to adapt.

3) Essential Oil

The strong, minty aroma of eucalyptus essential oil can help blast away congestion and open up your airways. Add a few drops to an essential oil burner and enjoy the fragrance as you breath easier. Eucalyptus oil is said to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, too, to help you fight the effects of allergies. Try an intensive dose by adding two drops to a bowl of hot water, then leaning over the bowl with a towel over your head to trap the menthol steam so you can inhale it more easily. Be careful not to burn yourself on the hot water, though.

4) Nettle Leaf

This stinging leaf is a natural antihistamine that stops your body producing the symptoms of allergy. You can buy nettle tea, or get dried nettle capsules, or if you're feeling brave, pick your own. Washing and boiling nettles removes the sting from them - just take care while you are harvesting them.

5) Saline Spray

Saline is sterile salt water that can reduce inflammation in your nose and restore moisture levels to normal. You spray the liquid up your nose with your head tilted, so it runs down the other nostril. Then you gently blow your nose to clear. Slightly gross? Yes, but so are the symptoms of allergies. This spray method is said to be very effective.

6) Steam Shower

A hot shower after you've been outside in the garden is beneficial for allergy sufferers in two ways. First, the steam will clear nasal passages and soothe your itchy eyes. Secondly, rinsing yourself off after being outdoors will wash away any pollen or other irritants that are clinging to your skin and hair. This prevents aggravating your allergy symptoms by having pollen stuck to your skin and stops them from spreading around your home.

7) Herbs

Eyebright, butterbur and goldenseal are two herbs that you can buy in tincture or powdered supplement form for allergy relief. All three have been studied by scientists for hay fever relievers with positive results. The strongest positive was for butterbur.

8) Apple Cider Vinegar

This vinegar has been used for centuries by healers as a general health tonic. It is supposed to dry up mucous to stop you sneezing and cleanse your lymphatic system, which helps your body release toxins. Try one teaspoon per day.

10) Probiotics

Balancing your gut bacteria may calm your immune system and prevent it from over-reacting to allergens. Do this by taking a good quality probiotic capsule. Avoid probiotic drinks, though, as most are very sugary.

10) Spicy Foods

Stimulating, spicy foods can clear your sinuses and help you breath more easily if you are congested with an allergy. Add chili peppers, wasabi, mustard, fresh garlic, and horseradish to your meals. Try peppermint tea also to cool and calm your allergy symptoms.


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