10 Ways to Prepare for Summer Solstice 2024

The Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, is a time of great spiritual significance.

Taking place twice a year (yes we do say twice - once in mid-June in the Northern Hemisphere and also once in mid-December in the Southern Hemisphere!), it marks a period of intense energy and renewal.

For those on a spiritual path, preparation for the solstice can improve personal growth and deepen the connection to nature. 

This article explores ten practical and spiritual practices to help you with summer solstice preparation, meaning you can use the full potential of this powerful event. 

Join us as we look at ways to reflect, connect, and celebrate during this magical time.

1. Reflect on your goals and intentions

A summer solstice is an ideal time to set and reflect on personal goals. 

Begin by finding a quiet space where you can focus without interruptions. 

Consider what you wish to achieve and how the solstice's powerful energy can support your intentions. 

Journaling is an excellent tool for this purpose; write down your goals and any thoughts that arise - this is also known as reflective journaling. 

Reflecting on your intentions helps to match them with the solstice's energy, making your aspirations more attainable. 

By clarifying your goals, you can harness the solstice's transformative power to bring about meaningful change in your life.

2. Connect with nature 

Nature plays a major role in solstice celebrations. 

Spend time outdoors to reconnect with the natural world. 

Activities such as hiking, gardening, or simply walking in a park can help you feel more grounded and in tune with the earth's rhythms. 

Practising mindfulness while in nature can deepen this connection; focus on the sights, sounds, and smells around you. 

Grounding exercises, like walking barefoot on grass, can also be beneficial. 

These practices help to improve your awareness and appreciation of the natural world, enriching your solstice experience.

3. Cleanse your energy

Cleansing your energy is essential in preparation for the solstice. 

This practice helps to remove any negativity and create a positive space for new beginnings. 

Smudging with sage, taking a salt bath, or using essential oils are effective methods for energy cleansing. 

Perform a simple ritual: light a sage stick, and gently wave it around your body and home, focusing on areas that feel heavy or stagnant. 

Maintaining a positive energy balance allows you to fully embrace the solstice's renewing power.

4. Meditate regularly

Regular meditation can significantly help your solstice preparations. 

Meditation helps to calm the mind and increase spiritual awareness. 

Start by setting aside a few minutes each day for quiet reflection. 

Simple techniques like focusing on your breath or using guided meditations can be particularly effective. 

Specific solstice-themed meditations, such as visualising sunlight filling your body with energy, can help match your spirit with the solstice's energy. 

Incorporating meditation into your daily routine will deepen your spiritual practice and prepare you for the solstice.

5. Work with crystals

Crystal healing is a powerful way to harness solstice energy. 

Crystals such as citrine and sunstone are particularly connected to the Summer Solstice. 

Begin by cleansing your crystals, either by placing them under running water or in sunlight. 

Once cleansed, charge them with your intentions. You can carry these crystals with you, meditate with them, or place them on your altar. 

Incorporating crystals into your daily life and solstice rituals can amplify the spiritual energy and aid in personal growth.

6. Dream journaling

Keeping a dream journal can offer profound insights during solstice preparations. 

Dreams often carry messages from the subconscious, providing guidance and clarity. 

Start by placing a notebook and pen by your bedside. 

Each morning, write down any dreams you remember, noting any symbols or emotions.

Over time, patterns may emerge, revealing valuable information for your spiritual journey. 

The connection between dreams and the solstice energy can lead to deeper self-awareness and spiritual growth.

7. Tarot or oracle readings

Tarot and oracle cards are excellent tools for gaining insight during the solstice. 

These readings can help clarify your intentions and provide guidance for the coming months. 

To perform a solstice-themed reading, choose a quiet space and focus on your question. 

You might ask, what should I focus on this solstice? 

Use spreads like the three-card spread for past, present, and future insights. Interpret the cards based on their meanings and your intuition. 

For those seeking more detailed readings, consider exploring a professional tarot card reading or oracle card reading. 

8. Set up an altar

Creating a Summer Solstice altar is a wonderful way to honour this significant event. Start by choosing a dedicated space in your home. 

Decorate it with items symbolising the solstice, such as candles, flowers, and sun-related symbols. Include personal objects that hold spiritual significance for you. 

Use the altar for daily rituals, such as lighting a candle or placing fresh flowers, to maintain a connection to the solstice energy. 

An altar serves as a focal point for your intentions and celebrations.

9. Practice divination

Divination practices like scrying or rune casting can provide valuable insights during the solstice. 

Choose a method that resonates with you and spend time learning its techniques. 

For example, with scrying, gaze into a reflective surface like a crystal ball or water bowl and note any images or impressions. 

Divination can offer guidance and clarity, helping you use the solstice's transformative energy. 

Regular practice can improve your intuitive abilities and deepen your spiritual understanding.

10. Seek guidance from a psychic advisor

Consulting a psychic advisor can offer personalised insights and guidance for the solstice. 

Choose a reputable psychic by reading reviews and seeking recommendations. 

During a session, expect to discuss your goals and receive tailored advice. 

Ask specific questions about your spiritual path or the solstice's impact on your life. 

Professional guidance can help you make the most of the solstice's energy, providing clarity and direction. For a trusted reading, consider a psychic session.


The summer solstice is a time of renewal and spiritual growth so by reflecting on goals, connecting with nature, and practising these spiritual exercises, you can fully embrace the solstice's transformative power.

Hopefully, with this insightful guide, having clarity and a plan for you preparations can help harness the full potential of this significant event each and every year - or twice a year if you switch hemispheres to chase the sun!

Share your experiences and practices in the comments below, and if you need further guidance, feel free to contact us.


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