Isobel Bauer

Psychic Medium Clairvoyant

Reader profile image for Isobel Bauer

About Isobel Bauer

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

I like to hear the changes in their voice when I've finished. Their mood changes and they sound so much happier. That makes me know that I've helped them.

How are you typical of your star sign?

I am very honest and loyal. I enjoy listening to people which is typical of my star sign, Aquarius.

When did you first become aware of your gift?

I remember playing with spirit children and them hiding my dolls! I must have been about 5 or 6yrs of age. I used to hear voices and sense other people around me.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

I'm good on past lives and can tell from voice vibration when clients lived before. I had a client whom I saw in her previous life as a man and was seeing her husband off on Kings Lynn Quay in 1432 and the ship was called Ensign. The client looked the information up on the internet and found it to be true. I was blown away as you can imagine! You sometimes doubt yourself when you shouldn't!!

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?

Life experiences! I've had to put up with some pretty awful things happening to me which have made me a better person and able to understand people better. I have lots of feeling and compassion for people. I'm also a healer and have given people lots of healing. I do Reiki so that people don't associate Spiritual healing with religion as they sometimes do!!

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

That they can be assured of complete confidentiality and that they will be listened too and not ridiculed.

Isobel Bauer's Availability

This reader has not entered any dates for this week.

What our customers say about Isobel Bauer

I have had such an amazing reading with this lady. She is a genuine and honest psychic. I was able to tune in with Isobel straight away and cannot wait to update on her predictions. Thank you so much x

- Claire

7th July 2019

Thank you for a lovely reading. Really put me at ease. Great connection. Will certainly call again.

- Jeanette

17th May 2019

Thank you so much for that amazing reading, so very accurate with everything. X

- Leanne

7th May 2019

OMG all I can say she was absolutely brilliant try and you’ll not be disappointed thanks again Dina x

- Dina

7th April 2019

Isobel i spoke to you about ten days ago. My dad and my freind who had commited suicide came though durring the reading. Brian said an envelope of money waa comming which would help. Well monday was awful i was in a total panic as to how to repair my van tuesday i madd a big sale the money came in a brown envelope. Thank you xxx we will talk again Love and light Wendy xx

- Wendy

16th March 2019

I have to say that I absolutely love this kind and amazing soul. Isobel is not only truly gifted but she is so wise and full of compassion. She readily listens and answers questions. So very grateful to you Isobel. Looking forward to my catching up soon. God bless you and your family xxx

- sukie

29th November 2018

Brilliant reading, connects strongly and gives solid predictions. This lovely lady is what I call a true psychic..and I’ve had many readings over the years. She won’t sugar coat...just tell you how it is! Thank you Isobel x

- L

28th April 2018

Sucha strong and clear reading.. I needed that encouragement.. Thank you so much x M

- Michelle

16th April 2018

This wonderful angel never ceases to amaze me, over the past three years she has been a 'God send' giving me validations, premonitions, contacting my deceased husband and even confirming past lives, but never gives false hope, she has kept me sane for sure Thanks Isobel love Jayne x

- Jayne

20th February 2018

She's Amazing

- joanne

16th August 2017

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