
Psychic Clairvoyant - Clairaudient - Medium - Tarot - Crystal Ball

Reader profile image for Matt

About Matt

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

From over 25 years of giving professional readings both privately and publicly I have helped many people from all walks of life. I believe my readings have a nurturing, healing effect. This I have seen when clients contact me and tell me how things turned out the way I said they would. This gives me a sense of pride.

How are you typical of your star sign?

Aquarians are humanitarians. They function best when they have an outlet for their desire to change the world and make it better for the sake of humanity. This I feel best describes my personality.

When did you first become aware of your gift?

As a child I was very aware of spirit. They were physical in appearance to me. This stopped when I was approximately eleven, but the ability came back when I was in my twenties. I then sought professional help at a spiritualist church. I have been constantly developing my abilities and will always be in development as there is always room for improvement and gifts are always changing and expanding.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

A lady asked for a general reading. I saw a man in a garden in front of a tree with two children playing close by. My instant thought was that they were in spirit, but I gave exactly what I saw which is always best. My client cried and said her husband had hung himself in the garden from the tree and their children had found him when they went out to play. This reading she was grateful for, as she got evidence from spirit in eternal life. The reading brings me to tears and was the most moving reading I have ever participated in. It also taught me to give a reading as it comes, not embroider on it.

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?

I have over 25 years experience performing readings professionally and am proud to say I have a loyal following in many countries around the globe.

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

To have love in their heart when they speak to a psychic. The client must know they help create any psychic or spiritual link. A psychic medium is a sensitive tool and so relies on the clients' energy link. That and honesty of intent. Without honesty there is no link and this works both ways so a client can always expect honesty from me.

Matt's Availability

This reader has not entered any dates for this week.

What our customers say about Matt

Matt is more than special, he is a one off and so unique. He has accurately predicted so many things for me. Am so lucky Matt shares his amazing gift with me. There are no words to describe adequately how brilliant he is. He has this amazing connection to spirit and interprets the messages like no other reader. He predicted something very positive out of a very negative/dead loss situation I had. He was so correct of course but at the time I could not see how he could be. I do not have any doubts any more because Matt has proven to me time and again that he is a genuine, talented, no nonsense gifted guy. Am not sure he is totally aware how great he is because he is so unassuming and lovely. I adore him and his readings. X

- N/A

5th August 2014

Thank you for yet another wonderfully uplifting reading Matt. Again, more of your predictions have come to pass, as they always do. Also loving the story of Saint Expeditus, very appropriate given my work! Thank you Lovely Man A :) x

- N/A

25th July 2014

Your prediction came through exactly the way you said it would!

- Monica

19th July 2014

This man really is special! Correctly predicted contact, and pay rise amongst other things. Matt is one of few that is extremely gifted! Matt just goes for it in the reading whilst you say nothing, he really is a genuine reader. Thank you, Matt.

- PP

12th July 2014

Matt is the best reader I have ever cone across. I've had a few reading with him now and each time he just blows me away. He reels off countless facts about my situation without me saying a word. Things he couldn't possibly know. Some of his predictions from previous reading have happened so I'm looking forward to the other predictions happening, too. I will update when they do. Im so impressed. If your looking for a truthful and honest reading then definitely give Matt a try. I promise you wont be disappointed. Look forward to speaking with him again real soon. Thank you, Matt x

- N/A

3rd July 2014

Hi Matt- my last reading was with you two days ago before I went off to Leicester with work. You were quite emphatic that I would have an update/call re "that" issue from the man this week which I doubted. Guess what? Leaving this testimonial Friday 13th June. Just got back to my office and had a missed call. Called back- what a lovely catch up- you were spot on, again. Thanks Petal - you're amazing and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend you :) X

- N/A

13th June 2014

TOP READER; very quick and clear, no silences, questions or fishing!

- jac

31st May 2014

Just want to give an update on the best psychic on this site. Matt has accurately predicted many things for me in the past and they have come to pass. 3 more of his most recent predictions have happened and I wish I remembered his words at the time - I would have reacted differently to a situation. I only remember afterwards how Matt foretold everything. I have to now believe that what he says will actually happen. Everyone has doubts because of readings in the past where nothing actually transpired. Matt is different - his connection to spirit is so special - my guess is because he is a special guy. The more you get to know Matt the more you know he is just leagues ahead in his field. He is simply outstanding. He doesn't fish or judge you - he simply connects and your reading flows. Am always asking him silly questions but never once does he belittle anything I say. Love, love his style. He never dictates or pushes his beliefs or opinions on you. Have had readings in the past where the reader has projected onto me how they were feeling or were treated in the past. They take exception to certain types of relationships. This is what you call being judgemental - it is unacceptable. Matt on the other hand gives everyone a fair trial - nothing shocks him or phases him. I adore him and look forward to speaking to him again real soon. Xxx

- N/A

26th May 2014

I love Matt! He is straightforward, kind-hearted and accurate in what he picks up on. I can feel it coming to pass... bring on that expanded aura! Thank you :)

- Sara

23rd May 2014

Thank you for my recent readings, Matt; what I do enjoy about them is that are straight to the point, intelligent, you never "fish" or ask questions- in fact, when I try to interrupt you to validate you, you sometimes tell me off as you need to get out what you are receiving for me. In terms of validations, there are many and your predictions are starting to pass. A reader with a lovely and genuine connection to spirit and with outstanding ethics. Ps- I've not seen youre profile photo floating around a hospital ward in my dreams recently! Thank you, Sir X

- N/A

15th May 2014

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