
Psychic Medium Clairvoyant

Reader profile image for Pearl

About Pearl

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

Most important in my readings is being able to connect and give validations. I am honest and make the person feel uplifted and happy with positive insights and guidance during the reading.

How are you typical of your star sign?

Taurus is a second sign of the zodiac and is known for its own inner strength and also ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. I am caring, trustworthy, reliable and sympathetic and receptive to the feelings of others and also handle any situation with dignity and self control.

When did you first become aware of your gift?

I had the gift from an early age but wasn't aware of it. Since childhood, I was always drawn to spiritual events and organisations. I was always told I am different but didn't understand why at that time. After being on a journey of life lessons and challenging careers having survived a few redundancies, I felt it was time for change and always had an open mind. Over recent years, the universe helped me open the door to my spiritual path by presenting certain situations and people in my life. I went to development groups and circles, which over the years has helped me discover my gifts, my true self and progress with my spiritual development. They always say "people or situations come in our lives for a reason or a blessing" but I now know it was a blessing and meant to be, hence making me realise I was meant to do this kind of work.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

I have had many memorable experiences, everyone is special, every reading is different and unique and I treat each one the same. I always get feedback from those I have read for and it makes me feel proud that I have been able to help them understand and accept their path in life and the insight and guidance from the readings is helping them move forward.

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?

I am a psychic and have been blessed with the ability to intuitively read and understand the messages that are held within selective deck of cards. My ability to read and interpret the cards has all been self-taught with help of my guides. I give insight and guidance and look at things in a very straight forward manner. I am non-judgemental, understanding and empathetic and will truly help you understand and see things clearly. I am also a clairvoyant medium and during a reading messages from deceased loved ones may also happen. I have attended development groups, circles and other spiritual workshops. I feel so blessed to be able to share my gift and skills with others and it continues to grow helping me progress further.

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

Most important is to have open and positive state of mind. Psychics and Mediums are there to help you and not hurt you so always work with them as your friend. They are confident and trusted as they will be there to help you through the difficult times with their support, compassion, love, wisdom and friendship.

Pearl's Availability

This reader has not entered any dates for this week.

What our customers say about Pearl

I don't know if I've ever left a review for Pearl?! I have had many, many readings, and I must say the only reader I wholeheartedly trust is Pearl. The reason being she is proved right on so many occasions! Sometimes with such random predictions you wouldn't think would be true when she says them. Things that don't make sense at the time, suddenly make sense a few weeks down the line and you're left like... Wow! Had my third reading with Pearl yesterday and it was focused instead of general and gosh the whole reading sounded so nice, and seeing as she's always right I feel quite smug in the knowledge I'm finally going to get what I've wanted for so long! When this occurs, I'll ring back and thank Pearl again. She is so gifted and helpful! Love & Light XX


10th September 2013

I had a reading with Pearl last year and every single prediction has come true. From little to big, every single one. The most amazing thing is when she tunes into you and the situation without asking anything and gives you the breath taking validations, and leaves you speechless. When I was having a reading with her the other day she told me the locations and landmarks. Pearl said she could see the bridge in the location and she was 100% right. Only a true and genuine psychic can do that. Thanks Pearl, thank you so much.


6th September 2013

Hi pearl. Thank you so much for helping me handle the situation with my ex. Also for giving me courage to face the truth, not to run from the situation. As you said, situation was stressful but all resolved as you predicted and he is gone for forever for good. Thank you so much Pearl.


4th September 2013

Dear Pearl, thank you for a wonderful reading this morning. Unexpectedly my grandmother came through to Pearl. Pearl was able to give me a very detailed description of her (even the way she walked) and pass on important messages to me. These messages have really helped me see clarity. Pearl, I always knew you were fabulous, but this was amazing. Thank you dear friend, love, Christine x


15th July 2013

Simply beautiful and gifted!! Thank you for your support and patience! I call pearl nearly weekly for advice and ask the same questions over and over again for reassurance. Pearl has never once lost her patience and has talked me through things regardless or how often I ask them. Pearl is a WONDERFUL lady! Simply the best xxx Monica


4th July 2013

FANTASTIC reader! I have waited a while to speak with Pearl and finally got through (even though she was showing up as being in a reading...I got lucky!). Pearl seems to be a lovely lady. I felt like she had a very strong connection with her guides and my situation. Unlike a lot of other readers, she delivered information quickly and accurately with very little repetition (any repetition was done at crucial points to summarise and did not take up time). I thoroughly recommend this reader! Thank you so much Pearl and I will do what you advised in relation to me and the way I have been with my ex. Love x x


1st July 2013

Hi Pearl, just want to say a huge thank you for my last 2 readings I have had recently. You have picked me up when I felt so down and told me all is going to work out. You were spot on with the date you gave me, my life completely changed around on that day. My landlord agreed to extend my tenancy as you said. It's early days and I am trying to just enjoy the moment. Thank you so much for the healing you sent me too. Xx


20th June 2013

I had a reading with Pearl a few days back about situation with my ex. She is an amazing Psychic and was spot on with my situation. She gave me real facts and a very straight forward answer. No sugar coating and didn't tell me what i wanted to hear. Pearl told me he is not that person who will give me a long term relationship. He is just back in touch with me because he has no one around him, and he is just jealous because he cant see me moving on happily without him. She even said that in the next conversation with my ex I'll find out he is just jealous of me. After coming off the phone I was wondering; is it right what she said? Well after 2 days in conversation with my ex I find out he is just jealous. He literally mentioned that he is jealous because he can't see me moving forward happily without him. The same sentence that Pearl told me he will say. Pearl will never tell you what you want to hear. She will always tell you the truth, whether you like it or not. If you really want an honest and truthful reading then just ring Pearl. You will be amazed. Thank you so, so much Pearl for giving me the truth and courage to face the truth. I can now move on and look forward to the future with a more positive attitude. Thank you so much. Sandeep.xxxx


17th June 2013

Had to leave Pearl a message!! Absolutely blown away with her talent as a medium. Pearl was able to give me the name of the person that has passed and she gave me validation after validation. How could she know this? I defy anyone who comes away from having had a reading from Pearl and not be a believer. Will definitely be calling again to speak with only one reader and that is Pearl! Thank you Pearl for giving me some peace.


13th June 2013

8/8/13: I just had to leave another reading for Pearl! I have had many readings with her but still she has the ability to absolutely have me lost for words. Although Pearl is only a voice on the other end of the phone, she’s now someone I regard a friend! How wonderful in her approach, extremely non-judgmental, caring and.............well words can't describe how beautiful this lady is. Many of the predictions that Pearl has made have come true and timing has always been spot on!!! Pearl's validations are shockingly accurate and I look forward to the very BIG predictions to come to pass which I am 100% sure will. There are many good readers on Psychic Sofa, but Pearl is in a league of her own without a shadow of a doubt. Money is well spent with Pearl. Ladies and gents please call her, Pearl is exceptional xxx Monica


10th June 2013

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