

Reader profile image for Gordon

About Gordon

I have read the Tarot for nearly 50 years. I had an interest in them from being about eight or nine years old and was paid for my first reading when I was sixteen years old. I have had careers in hairdressing, radio presenting, lecturing and writing as well as Tarot reading. I have been a director of an international company dealing with the media, been extremely wealthy and very poor. I have been married, divorced and bankrupt, and have had a life threatening medical condition so I am well experienced at life. In the last 20 years I have been the guest psychic lecturer on several cruise ships, I have lectured in psychic studies at Barcelona, Milan and Nottingham universities and am a published writer on several subjects with books on motivation, lifestyle, Wicca and love, sex and relationships. I am well travelled, 63 countries at the last count, and have read extensively in Europe, the USA and the Caribbean.

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

I like finding out what clients are really capable of and helping them achieve beyond their expectations. Helping resolve situations and problems and steering a path through life, and, where applicable, emphasising the paths to take towards their destiny has always been an interesting part of readings. Relationship issues, family situations and career prospects are also able to be sorted out when necessary or requested. Whether the reading is for an understanding shoulder to cry on or the need for motivation to a dynamic career move, a simple question answered or a complicated situation unravelled, no two readings are ever the same.

How would you say you are typical of your star sign?

I am a Cancerian. I was born in the middle of the Sun sign, so I am a classic Cancerian with all the great things and all the failings that part of the zodiac has to offer. My Moon is in Libra showing a need for harmony, problem resolving and a peaceful life. I am empathic, sometimes too much so. I have Mars in Sagittarius, which probably indicates my need for travel and adventure and astrologers tell me I am the ultimate people watcher.

When do you remember being first aware of your gift?

When I was five or six I would be talking at school about disasters and happenings in the news. I was told to stop being silly and be quiet but a few days later those incidents would take place. At nine years old I dreamt of my Grandmother travelling on an escalator into the sky. The escalator stopped, she waved at me, and then continued. The dream was very vivid and I woke and told my mother. The following day my mother told me that Grandmother had died during the night.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

I was reading for a Eastern European woman in London. She was very upset because she was about to be detained and deported. I told her she wouldn't be; in fact she has a very positive future. She told me that she was due to be detained, because all the necessary paperwork had been lost in her defence and all that was needed was the magistrate's signature on a document that afternoon. She left, feeling very unsure about my predictions and before attending court in the afternoon she came back in with her solicitor. The solicitor said he did not want to doubt me but there was nothing more he could do in the time available and without doubt, and 2pm that afternoon, the document would be signed. She came to see me the following day. The magistrate due to sign the documents had unfortunately had a stroke during the lunchtime and had been unable to sign the documents and another court date had to be found. This gave them time to submit the proper paper work and she has since gone on to a University degree in medicine and a successful medical career in England.

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?

I am vastly experienced in life. I have had great highs and terrible lows. I am able to speak about life both from a client's perspective and my own and advise accordingly. As an empath, I understand not only where you are in life, but how you as an individual are feeling and give advice accordingly. I have dealt with individual clients for nearly five decades and have been able to deal successfully with the majority of them. Although I have knowledge and experience in other forms of clairvoyance my 'tool' of choice is the Tarot to which I am very knowledgeable, sensitive and accurate.

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

Ideally know what you want to ask, so prepare accordingly. The more open you are, the easier it is to read for you and the more energy and information for you will flow. here are a few hints and tips you might like to read before your reading to help you maximise the readings's potential. 1. Always have a pen and paper in front of you to take notes and write down any questions that arise. If you have a digital recorder or smart phone you can always put the phone into ‘loud speaker mode’ and record it. 2. Have a list of questions ready for the psychic reading. It helps to write them down so you don’t forget them once you are into the reading. 3. Try not to ask Yes/No questions. These questions tend to limit the flow of the reading in the same way they would limit the flow of any conversation. Make the question is specific but open ended. This will encourage the reader to give you more quality guidance. 4. Ask the about the psychic who is reading for you if you wish. This will help you appreciate the way the information flows and is being expressed. 5. If there are some general areas you want to focus on, like relationship, career, health etc., make sure you let the reader know. 6. Don’t try to test the reader by withholding information. This is the best way to create a poor atmosphere in a reading. Perhaps being under pressure may have helped you work out Maths problems more quickly, but in a psychic reading, it just makes the experience unnecessarily difficult and is not at all helpful for you. 7. Be open to a different way of thinking about yourself and your problems. Hopefully, the reader will be able to help you to create a totally different and empowering perspective about your situations. Don’t necessarily think you have it all figured out. Be open to change. 8. If the reader is saying things that make a lot of sense to you, make sure you tell them. This helps the reader help you. If you don’t understand something don’t be afraid to ask. Sometimes a reader will give information that they do not understand but that seems to be important and is not in context to what has previously been spoken about. 9. Just enjoy your reading. The reading is time to focus on you. Look at it as a kind of healing session, helping you to let go of the old hurts and embrace new plans for the future. 10. The time in a reading races by so quickly; make sure that you have all your questions answered. It is a good idea to tell the reader at the start of a reading the areas in your life you want clarity on. 11. Have a pen and paper handy. Sometimes the reader can give a lot of information all at once. Notes will help you when you reflect after the reading and can be the beginning of a plan. All the information above is practical, to help you get the most from your reading. Below is a list of some more spiritual aspects that you may like to try to enhance your reading experience. Below is a list of steps you might want to follow to ensure you get the most from your psychic reading 1. Choose a time in the day when you are least likely to be interrupted. 2. Light a candle and sit upright in a chair in front of it. The light of the candle acts as a symbol of clarity and focus. It can help you during your reading to remain focused on the flow between yourself and the reader. 3. Breathe in the light of the candle and breathe out any anxieties you might feel. Repeat this two or three times. 4. Write down on a piece of paper what you want to get from the reading. Writing down your intention is very important because if your intention is unclear, then the reader’s message may be unclear to you. 5. Focus on the candle and imagine it burning away all the preconceived thoughts you might have about your situation or what you are likely to hear. There is a difference between having an intention and having an expectation. An intention is flexible, whereas an expectation, if not met, creates disturbance and frustration for the client. You may have an intention to understand how to heal your relationship problems, but having an expectation that the reader will do that by telling you the date you will get married to your partner may not be the way in which the reader helps you to do this. 6. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and begin. In a psychic reading it is important that you are grounded and aware. Too many airy thoughts and struggles in your mind will not allow the knowledge to take shape in a way that is practical for you. Sit quietly and relax before you make your call. If you are calling using a landline make sure that you turn your mobile off so that it does not ring during your consultation. I hope you enjoy your reading and find the help and information you need.

Gordon's Availability

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What our customers say about Gordon

Really amazing reader. He got to the heart of not just my questions but of me as a person, my core being. I really enjoyed my reading. Thanks Gordon.

- Maria

21st April 2019

I Have never had a reading with your platform before. I started off with a general reading and was completely shocked with the information given. I like to Thank you for your honesty and I appreciate you not giving me rubbish to fill the mins. If anybody wants to hear the honest truth this is the gentleman that you need to speak to he is very to the point. Thank you

- Charon

19th April 2019

Absolutely tremendous!! Quite inexplicable and so accurate it was uncanny!! INCREDIBLE!!

- Sarah

19th April 2019

Excellent. Clear, concise, accurate validations.

- Katherine

18th April 2019

Absolutely fantastic. I was totally blown away. Probably the best reading I’ve ever had. So much insight, so helpful and delivered in such a kind straightforward way. Thank you Gordon.

- Sharon

18th April 2019

What a reader top guy very detailed well impressed told me so much and sorry we got cut off. I will be calling back. Big Thank you. Chris

- Chris

15th April 2019

I just had my second reading with Gordon, he is a truly exceptional reader, no doubt one of the best. He delivers validations and prediction with astonishing insight, accuracy, understanding and empathy. Will certainly contact him again. Highly recommended!

- G

14th April 2019

Amazing intuitive reader with clear as a bell insight and very sound advice. Loved the style of reading and straight talking down to earth manner. I extended. Thank you Gordon! M

- Michelle

12th April 2019

Gordon is fantastic. He has amazing insights and very honest. Highly recommended. Brilliant at in depth precise information on an individual's personality and traits

- Tray

5th October 2024

A wonderfully insightful reading from Gordon. He spoke with care and depth and gave time to helping me interpret the meaning of the reading. Such a brilliant professional. Excellent reading.

- Gráinne

5th October 2024

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