
Psychic Medium, Oracle & Angel Card Reader

Reader profile image for Dyanna

About Dyanna

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

I like giving reading because I truly enjoy helping and uplifting others. I’m honest and will tell the truth as given to me by your loved ones, guardian angels and my guides. I don’t try to make things fit for the sake of it, but I do take personal responsibility in that my soul purpose as a channel is to bring love, understanding and clarity that your loved ones, guardian angels are aware of your journey through life and are watching, helping, protecting and sending you healing, with unconditional love, light and always with your greatest interest at heart for your highest good on the earth plane. 

How would you say you are typical of your star sign?

They say we are living in the Age of Aquarius and as an Aquarian I know I’m here to learn & teach that love is oneness, tolerance, patience, empathy and understanding in this life time. I consider myself to be a visionary, optimistic, and purposeful in my pursuit for noble principles for the good of humanity and the upliftment of our earthly souls and our higher selves.

When do you remember being first aware of your gift?

As I slept with my other siblings from around the age of 6 or 7 years old, I would wake up during the night on various occasions and see a nun standing at the foot of my bed just smiling. I never felt scared and I never told my other siblings or parents about the nun. Throughout my childhood I was able to sense and be aware of things before they happened. I could also sense if people where dishonest and not what they seemed to be. I just thought it was normal and everyone experienced these things. But many years later when I visited a medium for the very first time, she told me about the smiling nun I saw as a child at the foot of my bed and when I asked her how she knew. She explained that the same nun was standing behind me and that she was one of my guardians from my birth to the present day.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

A young client came to see me. I explained to her that I knew she had not been in contact with her family for many years and even though she was happy, she needed to know the truth about something. No sooner had I said this, her mother came through highlighting that she was sorry for not being there physically & mentally while the client was growing up and that she didn’t want her to have the same type of life she had when she was growing up. The mother relayed to me various things about her life. There was so much sadness with the mother, but her greatest joy was that she loved the client so much and was so happy that she was able to watch over her from the realms above. The young lady started crying towards the end of the reading and she later explained that she had been adopted as a baby and had a beautiful life with her adopted parents. She did trace her real mother but only to find that she had been an alcoholic and drug user and had later died. I try not to get emotional when doing readings but this young client touch my heart and brought tears of sadness and joy. She was so thankful and said a load had been lifted of her shoulder now. It was the first time she had ever visited a medium and she came with a friend with the intention not to have a reading but decided to have one at the last minute. (She gave me a very big hug)

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?

I am a qualified Medium and I’m Psychic. I do group readings, one to one personal readings. Spiritual healing, distant healing, Reiki energy healing, Shamanic energy healing and Spiritual advisor

My journey through life has given me the most valuable experiences and boy what a journey it’s been. As my favourite song says I’m still standing Yeh Yeh Yeh. But on a serious note due to these life experiences and the places I’ve visited around the world they have reinforcement my spiritual gifts and finally highlighted one of the main purposes in my life. To be used as a channel in the form a Medium for communication with your loved ones. (Which is an honour to me)

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

When you have a reading you need to be calm and open-minded. Whoever comes through may not be who you are expecting, but I believe there is a reason why they have been allowed to connect with me to you at that moment in time. Sometimes times you may not be able to take what the reader is telling you, but 9 times out of 10 in my experience the penny will drop at some point in the future. Remember we are not here to dictate how you should run your life, but we can bring comfort, understanding, peace and in a lot of cases closure. Everyone here on earth has access to tools to help them on their journey through life, but not everyone is aware of these tools and where to find them.

In the old days we would go to one of the elders of our tribes or seek out a wise man or women whom lived in the forest or great mountains for the guidance. They would tell us how to find the tools and answers in order to bring about personal understanding, wisdom, strength and happiness. In this day and age I believe a good honest reader is the next best thing to the wise men and women of the great mountains and forests of old.

However one of the most important things for a client to remember is that they have choice and free will. And with one swift action you can change your life for better or worse it’s up to you. Your loved ones and guardian angels of love and light cannot interfere with your free will and choice. However, in exceptional circumstances in order to protect you they will intervene, but generally they await your permission and always act for your highest good.

Dyanna's Availability

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What our customers say about Dyanna

What a lovely reading. Thank you Dyanna. I will take your wise advice to heart. Blessings to you. :)

- Coral

24th March 2017

She has given me hope ????????

- Fiona

8th September 2024

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